Get a free gun, because videogames!
You know what’s a weird thing? Opening up pre-orders on a specified day. I remember when the name of a title was known, you could just roll up in any old game store and put down a pre-order. Now you have to wait until “participating retailers” are on board with a game. Things used to be so simple, man.
At any rate, you can now go put $5 down towards Gears of War: Judgment from one of these fine retailers so they know that you will be buying the game from them on March 19th. In return, you’ll get a free gun! Well, just the Classic Hammerburst for multiplayer. You know, because videogames. The above trailer shows it off in action, but if you’ve played any other Gears of War, I’m sure you’ll know what to expect.
Oh, and if you do pre-order the game, there’s a chance that the retailer you chose might get a Young Marcus, Young Dom, Anya, or Alex Brand character skin. These will be announced in the next few weeks, so that’s exciting, I guess?
Published: Nov 7, 2012 11:30 pm