If you’re like me, you get behind on downloadable content. Gears of War 2’s latest multiplayer expansion, the ‘Snowblind’ map pack, debuted on Xbox LIVE March 31 for 800 Microsoft Points. The DLC adds 250 Achievement points that tie into the new ranking system and adds a total four maps: Courtyard, Underhill, Grindyard and Fuel Depot.
If you’re interested in the content, but haven’t committed the Space Dollars yet, perhaps Marcus Fenix Baird can sway you. After the break is a bit of a walkthrough of all the maps voiced by the freak blonde-headed wonder engineer. He’s slightly out of character — no cursing, unfortunately — but it’s entertaining, nonetheless.
Those of you who have purchased, what do you think of the content? Is Fuel Depot worth the revisit? Are there any Christmas trees in any of the levels?
(Update: OK, the narrator is Baird, not Marcus Fenix. Unfortunately, it still lacks cursing.)
Published: Apr 6, 2009 09:00 pm