What’s weird about Transformers: War for Cybertron isn’t that it turned out to be a good game, licensed or otherwise. No, my cautious optimism since its announcement had me suitably prepared. Instead, I find it odd that the multiplayer ended up being the part with the most staying power.
In retrospect, it makes sense — doing battle with other people as class-based Transformers? The ten-year-old me would have OD’d on happiness, if such a thing is even possible. Hell, current, still-pretty-young me is damned happy to see the franchise done justice by videogames.
I don’t know where this was going, but that tends to be the norm with these posts.
New to FNF? Read this: Each week, a bunch of Destructoid readers and usually an editor or two get together to play some videogames online. Basically, this is what Friday Night Fights are all about.
The planning for FNF takes place in the forums, where community members volunteer to host by posting their information (gamertag, time to meet up, game, etc.) in the forum post corresponding to the system they’re interested in playing on.
Then, every Friday, reminder posts for those who don’t read the forums regularly go up in the community blogs section all thanks to a dedicated group of cool individuals. And for everyone who wants their info all in one place, they have got my weekly recap posts to look forward to between 4:30 – 5:30 PM EST.
Now that you’re here, just scan the list below and find a game you want to play. All that’s left to do after that is to join the match by contacting the host below using any means necessary. For Wii, you might have to be a little creative, but for 360/PS3 a simple “invite me” message will be fine.
The names on the left are our Destructoid handles, while the ones on the right are our online handles (PSN IDs, for example). Don’t see a game you want to play? Feel free to post a comment offering to take up hosting duties yourself.
- Tonight’s Hosts (more info from Subenu):
- When: 19.00 h (GMT+1)
Where: Steamtoid Chatroom (on Steam), if you want to annoy specific people, remember there is always Tarvu.
Who: Too many people to count!!!
What: Team Fortress 2
- When: 20.00 h (GMT+1)
Where: Xbox Live
Who (Gamertag): Subenu (Neo Subenu), Tarvu (Tarvu), That guy with the hat (appollo 11 22 33)
What: Halo 3 ODST Firefight, Crackdown 2 Demo
- Where: PSN
Who (PSN ID): Kris_S and a variety of other people
What: Read Dead Redemption
- Tonight’s Hosts (more info from InfraredChimera):
- Char Aznable – ShinigamiBV (Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Castle Crashers @ 7:30 EDT)
- Nova Prime – Sen0r Diabl0 (Transformers: WfC, Gears of War 2 @ 7:30 EDT)
- ClownBaby – TwoToneMurder (Red Dead Redemption @ 8:00 EDT)
- VGFreak1225 – VGFreak1225 (Bomberman Live @ 8:30 EDT)
- usedtabe – Us3d ta b3 (Gears of War @ 11:00 EDT)
- Tonight’s Hosts (more info from Y0j1mb0):
- Jack of No Trades – JackofNoTrades85 (BlazBlue @ 8:00 EDT)
- SantanaClaus89 – Moosehole (Bad Company 2 @ 9:00 EDT)
- Elsa – Elsa (MAG @ 11:00 EDT)
- Y0j1mb0 – k0wb0y-b33b0p (SSFIV @ 12:00 EDT)
- Tonight’s Games (more info from SPNKr):
- The Ship
Gametype: Elimination
Play Time: Whenever (Official start time is 6 PM EST) - Team Fortress 2
Map rotation: Stock only rotation with customs in Rock The Vote.
Play Time: Whenever (Official start time is 6 PM EST) - Counter-Strike: Source
Map rotation: de_dust2 and cs_office
Play Time: Whenever (Official start time is 6 PM EST)
(Thanks to TewDee for the server) - Bad Company 2 Server 32 Slot
SAFL Bad Compay 2 -Hardcore and Ranked-
-In the server browser on the right hand side, where it says server name, put SAFL and it will find the server for you, then add to favs!
Play Time: Whenever (Official start time is 6 PM EST)
- If you want to find people to play with, get your ass to mars Steam chat
- Beyond FNF:
- The Steam group
- The WoW guild
Published: Jun 25, 2010 04:40 pm