Friday Night Fights: Hats!

This article is over 13 years old and may contain outdated information

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As you may have heard, Dtoid now has its own Team Fortress 2 server; you should go play on it! Dtoider Ruckus has volunteered to host a match starting at about 10:30 PM Eastern tonight, but that doesn’t mean you can’t jump on any time, any day and find a match! (It’s a server, after all!) And who knows, you may even get to frag a staff member or two!

Also of note is that in addition to a new Facebook group and Twitter account, the FNF community has created a Google+ page for your circling pleasure. Go add ’em now!

And with that, let’s get down to business!

New to FNF? Read this: Each week, a bunch of us Dtoiders get together to play videogames online! It’s a 100% community-run event, so feel free to join in or even host something yourself!

The planning for FNF starts in the forums, where community members volunteer to host by posting their information (Gamertag, time, game, etc.) and drum up interest in their match. Then, every Friday, reminder posts go up in the community blogs thanks to a dedicated group of FNF regulars. And finally, I’ll recap everything here on Friday evenings and open up an FNF chat group so people can work out their last-minute details.

To join in, simply send a message to one of the hosts listed below! Or, if you’d like to host something yourself, just post the pertinent details in the comments section!

We hope to see you online!


Tonight’s Hosts:

  • Platform: Xbox 360
    Games: Halo: Reach, Grand Theft Auto 4, Castle Crashers
    Host: Tarvu (GT: Tarvu)
    Time: around 20:00 BST (2 PM Eastern)
  • Platform: PC
    Game: Civilization V
    Host: Tarvu (Steam: Tarvu)
    Time: around 23:30 BST (5:30 PM Eastern)

360 FNF

Tonight’s Hosts:

  • Game: Battlefield: Bad Company 2
    Host: Mr Andy Dixon (GT: Mr Andy Dixon)
    Time: 1 AM Eastern
    Note: All Bad Company 2 DLC is on sale this week!
  • Game: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam
    Host: Swishiee (GT: Swishiee)
    Time: 11 PM Eastern
    Note: All Bad Company 2 DLC is on sale this week!
  • Game: Castle Crashers / X-Men Arcade
    Host: Char Aznable (GT: ShinigamiBV)
    Time: 10ish PM Eastern
  • Games: Dead Island / Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition
    Host: StriderHoang (GT: StriderHoang)
    Time: 5 PM Eastern
  • Games: Gears of War 2
    Host: SuperMonk4Ever (GT: SuperMonk4Ever)
    Time: 10:30 PM Eastern
    Note: It’s a 20XP weekend!
  • Game: Monday Night Combat / Red Dead Redemption
    Host: Perfidious Sinn (GT: Perfidious Sinn)
    Time: 8:30 PM Eastern


Tonight’s Hosts:

  • Game: Assassin’s Creed: Revelations MP Beta
    Host: Smurfee McGee (PSN: smurfee_mcgee)
    Time: 10:30 PM Eastern
  • Game: Dead Island
    Host: skateallday101 (PSN: Skateson)
    Time: 11 PM Eastern
  • Game: MAG
    Host: Elsa (PSN: Elsa)
    Time: 10 PM Eastern
  • Game: Resistance 3
    Host: Black Nexus (PSN: Nexus14)
    Time: 9ish PM Eastern
  • Game: SOCOM 4
    Host: Lenigod (PSN: Lenigod)
    Time: 7 PM Eastern
  • Game: Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
    Host: Trev (PSN: ElZilcho)
    Time: 9 PM Eastern


Tonight’s Hosts:

  • Game: League of Legends
    Host: Cyber Altair
    Time: 10 PM Eastern
    Channel: DTOID LoL FNF
    Note: To join in, add your summoner name in the comments!


Tonight’s Hosts:

  • Game: Team Fortress 2
    Host: Ruckus (Steam: ch0me)
    Time: 10:30 PM Eastern
    Note: Tomopop has reserved the server from 6 PM to 8 PM Eastern. You’ve been warned!

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