Why yes, I did give my post a Borderlands theme for the sole purpose of creating that goofy image. In the words of Muldoon from Jurassic Park, “clever girl.”
Anyway, things are going along as usual. I’ll be hosting a rousing match of Borderlands tonight in my mind, so join me, if you’d like. I imagine when the game launches that’s all anyone will be doing for Friday Night Fights next week, which means we should get all other games out of our system while we still can.
Specifically, Uncharted 2. Play the game as if doing so will save our planet from a meteor or some other apocalypse-causing scenario.
Quick guide to FNF for new players: Each week, a bunch of Destructoid readers and usually an editor or two get together to play some videogames online. Fun times!
The planning for FNF takes place in the forums, where Dtoiders volunteer to host by posting their information (gamertag, time to meet up, game, etc.) in the forum post corresponding to the system they’re interested in playing on.
Then, every Friday, reminder posts for those who don’t read the forums regularly go up in the community blogs section all thanks to a dedicated group of cool individuals. And for everyone who wants their info all in one place, they have got my weekly recap posts which you are currently reading.
Now that you’re here, just scan the list below and find a game you want to play. All that’s left to do after that is to join the match by contacting the host below using any means necessary. For Wii, you might have to be a little creative, but for 360/PS3 a simple “invite plz” message will be fine.
If you want to get your gaming done later on in the evening, scroll on down past this section, otherwise hit up the following European hosts/early FNFers for a good time.
- Tonight’s Hosts (more info from EuroFNF):
- Gibbo – JGibbo08 (Left 4 Dead, GTA IV @ 10:00 GMT)
- Steam ID: Corican (Team Fortress 2 @ 8:00 GMT)
- Tonight’s Hosts:
- ScottyG – scottygrayskull (ODST, BF: 1943, Castle Crashers, Rock Band 2, Bomberman, Splosion Man, or Uno @ 5:00 EDT)
- JohnnyViral – JohnnyViral (ODST @ 8:00 EDT)
- statesman114 – cole1114 (Battlefield: Bad Company @ 8:00 EDT)
- NegFactor – NegFactor (Rock Band 2 8:00 EDT)
- Jon Bloodspray – Jon Bloodspray (L4D, BF: Bad Company, Halo 3, RE 5, GoW 2, Castle Crashers, Splosion Man, MvC2, or SFII HD @ 9:00 EDT)
- BulletTrain – bullettrain304 (Street Fighter IV @ 12:00 EDT)
- Tonight’s Hosts (more info from IronPikeman):
- Y0j1mb0 – k0wb0y-b33b0 (Marvel vs. Capcom 2 @ 8:00 EDT)
- JackofNoTrades – JackofNoTrades85 (BlazBlue @ 9:00 EDT)
- Santanaclaus89 – Moosehole (Uncharted 2 @ 10:00 EDT, SOCOM @ 12:00 EDT)
- Elsa – Elsa (Killzone 2 @ 10:00 EDT — password: TOID)
- Beyond FNF:
- Saturday Night Shooter
- Tonight’s Games:
- Street Fighter IV
- Left 4 Dead
- Beyond FNF:
- Destructoid’s Steam group
Published: Oct 16, 2009 04:30 pm