It’s been a long damn week. Between blacking out the Internet, arguing about Resident Evil 6 and the Boss Man and Shark Man traipsing through Europe, things have been pretty hectic around here lately. So what do you say we take a night off and play some god damn videogames?!
Hit the jump to see what’s on the docket!
New to FNF? Read this! Each week, a bunch of us Dtoiders get together to play videogames online! It’s a 100% community-run event, so feel free to join in or even host something yourself!
The planning for FNF starts in the forums, where community members volunteer to host matches and post their pertinent details (game, time, Gamertag, etc.). Then, every Friday, reminder posts go up in the community blogs followed by a recap post here on the front page for last-minute planning.
To join in, simply send a friend request to the match host! (Don’t forget to say you’re from Dtoid!) If you’d rather host something yourself, sound off in the comments section below!
We hope to see you online!
Tonight’s Hosts:
- LOL Europe. Hit up Steamtoid to see if there’s anything going on!
Tonight’s Hosts:
- Game: Castle Crashers
Host: Epic-Kx (GT: Epic KxLIVE)
Time: 7 PM EST
Note: Start with lvl 1 knights and plan on doing a full campaign run!
- Game: Halo: Reach (custom games)
Host: Eric Woll (GT: FLaN Tamarind)
Time: 8 PM EST
- Game: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Host: Crackity Jones (GT: scuba_steve1988)
Time: 9 PM EST
- Game: Gears of War 3 (competitive modes)
Host: Usedtabe (GT: Us3d ta b3)
Time: 10 PM EST
Note: It’s 2XP weekend and Usedtabe’s team is GOOD. Join up if you want (practically) free XP!
- Game: Battlefield 3
Host: Mr Andy Dixon (GT: Mr Andy Dixon)
Time: 12 AM EST
Note: Join the Dtoid BF3 Platoon!
Check out the 360 FNF blog for more details!
Tonight’s Hosts:
- Game: Killzone 3 / Resistance 3 / Uncharted 3 (whichever people prefer)
Host: garethxxgod (PSN: garethxxgod)
Time: 8 PM EST
- Game: Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
Host: Trev (PSN: ElZilcho)
Time: 9 PM EST
- Game: Starhawk Beta
Host: CornflakeJustice (PSN: CornflakeJustice)
Time: 10 PM EST
- Game: Battlefield 3
Host: CornflakeJustice (PSN: CornflakeJustice)
Time: 11 PM EST
Note: Join the Dtoid BF3 Platoon!
Check out the PS3 FNF blog for more details!
Tonight’s Hosts:
- Game: Mario Kart 7
Host: Wolfy-Boey (5327-1072-2012)
Community: Destructoid (43-8816-8269-4512)
Time: 8 PM EST
Check out the 3DS FNF forum thread for more details!
Tonight’s Hosts:
- Game: Team Fortress 2
Time: All day, every day! (Especially on Tuesdays!)
- Hit up Steamtoid to see if there’s anything going on!
Published: Jan 20, 2012 03:30 pm