Factor 5 is now blaming ghosts. The Lair absolution gets ridiculous

This article is over 17 years old and may contain outdated information

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As I reported just the other day, Factor 5 director Julian Eggebrecht is doing all he can to deflect the blame for the terrible reviews that Lair has received from certain sites. First it was the fact that the PS3 hardware is new and that apparently excuses people from making bad games, then it was, quite amusingly, the fault of the reviewers that the game got bad reviews. Now, the pinnacle has been reached. It would seem that malevolent spirits are now to blame for Lair not being very good. Yes, you read that right. Factor 5 is now blaming the supernatural.

“I am not a believer in ghosts, but this one was haunted,” stated Eggebrecht, somehow thinking this is a better excuse than saying Lair was ‘too casual’ for reviewers. “They showed the material at the last minute to Kutaragi-san, who didn’t see a thing and bounced us off the reel. That’s why the first tech-trailer was shown at the PlayStation meeting a few months later. That was the start of one catastrophe after the other — deaths in the family at the worst time, sudden surgeries for key members, which bounced the technology off-track. And just in general, every single time there was a crucial delivery, something bizarre went wrong — all the way to power outages when writing the master disks.”=”bodybold”>

So there you have it — Factor 5 is actually incapable of making a bad game ever, it’s just that dark forces were working against them, because the undead and the demonic have nothing better to do than make a PlayStation 3 game suck. Seriously, Lucifer, Lord of Evil himself, sat there in the firey, tormented bowels of Hell and thought to himself, “I am so totally going to make Lair crap.” It’s because The Devil is an Xbox 360 fanboy, right? I’m so glad I kn … actually, you know what? Just shut the hell up, Julian. You’re not making it any better.

[Thanking TheGoldenDonut]

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