[Update: The worldwide NARP is still going! Join other Dtoiders in Tiny Chat!]
Every second is a second closer to the grand start of the third annual EuroNARP! Over the last few months, Dtoider Po0ky and I have been working in “Teh Lair” to make it even more enjoyable for everyone joining us there this weekend.
So what exactly is all this? EuroNARP3 is the perfect opportunity for European Dtoid fans to meet and mix. We’ve got people coming in from all over Europe to spend three days at Teh Lair, a gaming haven created by Po0ky and I (mistic) in the North of Belgium, hidden away on an industrial site where there are no soundlimits.
During the EuroNARP we spend three days there enjoying the better things in life: videogames, alcohol, videogames, dtoid, videogames and more! Everyone is invited to join us!
This year is special since we celebrate the fifth anniversary of Teh Lair. So we’ve challenged the other Destructoid City Groups to an all-out-online tournament! So if you want to join us in defeating the rest of the world, join one of the City Groups to find out how to be a part of the world wide tournament.
If you can’t make it to any of the No Apparent Reason Parties but still want to see what’s going on, keep an eye out as we’ll be broadcasting live together with all the other City Groups so you all can join in on the fun starting this Friday and lasting all the way to Sunday. Jump into the Destructoid IRC (irc.dynastynet.net) or leave a comment here if you have any questions. See you all soon!
Published: Aug 14, 2010 09:30 pm