Euro-style Friday Night Fights
Welcome to the reboot of EU FNF! It’s been a long time and is well overdue. That pic above is apparently from Norway and damn, am I jealous. Moving on from gorgeous scenery… One of the most common complaints about FNF that I’ve received, is that our Euro friends are always left out of the fun. We can’t be having that, so the amazing Panzadolphin rebooted it in the forums and will also be posting a blog each week as well. I will be posting the front page piece around 8am GMT on Fridays and hopefully, you all will have a blast playing with each other.
This week has slim pickings, but considering we just pulled this out of our butts, at least there’s a decent turn out for one game. Darn last minute things. If we have any Euro streamers in the audience who would like to participate, leave a link to your channel (or PM me) in the comments and I will be sure to add it in future postings. Anyone else that wants to join in or host, post it in the comments below and next week, we will have this more traditionally organized for you all.
In other news, I’ll have a blog post going up in this next week detailing the first two game tournaments I’m organizing. Mortal Kombat 9 and COD: AW are the two titles I picked out and I’m really excited to see how this goes over. If you have any other suggestions, please leave them in the comments below, so I can gauge interest. With all that said, let’s get to some gaming.
New to FNF? Read this! Each week, a bunch of us Dtoiders get together to play videogames online! It’s a 100% community-run event, so feel free to join in or even host something yourself!
The planning for FNF starts in the forums, where community members sign up to host matches and post their pertinent details (game, time, Gamertag, etc.). Then, every Friday, reminder posts go up in the community blogs thanks to a dedicated group of volunteers, and I recap it all here on the front page to give it a bit more exposure.
To join in, simply send a friend request to the match host! If you’d rather host something yourself, sound off in the comments section below!
Tonight’s Streamers: Add yourself in the comments if you are streaming! All games marked with * below, will be streamed. Click on the game title to be taken to the respective channel.
Here’s the up-to-date Streamtoid schedule. Wanna join in the fun? Send us an email!
Tonight’s Games:
- Sign up in the comments below to host something!
Check the EU FNF blog for more info (When it exists next week :p)!
Tonight’s Games:
- Sign up in the comments below to host something!
Check the EU FNF blog for more info (When it exists next week :p)!
Tonight’s Games:
- Sign up in the comments below to host something!
Check the EU FNF blog for more info (When it exists next week :p)!
Tonight’s Games:
- Sign up in the comments below to host something!
Check the EU FNF blog for more info (When it exists next week :p)!
Tonight’s Games:
- Sign up in the comments below to host something!
Check the EU FNF blog for more info (When it exists next week :p)!
Tonight’s Games:
- Killing Floor
Host: Panzadolphin (Steam: Panza/PD56)
Time: 8pm GMT
Check the EU FNF blog for more info (When it exists next week :p)!
Free this weekend? Why not sign up to host something for Weekend Warriors?! It’s like Friday Night Fights all weekend long! Sign up in the comments or Forum thread if you’re interested!
- Sign up in the comments below to host something!
- Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel (PC)
Host: Mike Martin (Steam: Philopian)
Time: 9am GMT
Check out the Weekend Warriors thread for more info!
Published: Feb 20, 2015 12:10 am