We know that Destructoid’s audience isn’t just game players. There’s game makers in the bunch, as well as people who aspire to be. They’ll be pleased to know that the ESA Foundation has now doubled the number of scholarships available to up-and-coming game designers.
They now have $90,000 set aside, and plan to double the awards from 15 to 30, making scholarships to women and minorities who want to get into game development. Now in its third year, the ESA Foundation’s Scholarship Program will help high-school and college students who plan to get into fields supporting video game development, including graphic design, computer science, animation or programming, digital entertainment or software engineering.
If you’re one of those, you can apply online for your scholarship for the 2009-10 school year until May 15th.
And if you’re making a big-budget game, please let me do the soundtrack!
Published: Mar 3, 2009 12:20 pm