In case you didn’t believe Josh when he said Kinect Sports was essentially the Xbox 360’s take on Wii Sports, here are screenshots — way more than you would probably ever want — to convince you otherwise. See? See? It’s, like, the same thing. Clearly.
Soccer, beach volleyball, bowling, table tennis, track and field, and boxing are what this game entails. I don’t know how to feel about Rare being the development team behind Kinect Sports, to be frank. In a way, I’m glad it’s them instead of some no-name company, but I also can’t help but feel it’s wasted talent.
Anyway, I’m more interested in seeing the general public’s response to games like this than I am playing them. I’ll take stuff like Child of Eden and go on my merry way, if that’s okay with the rest of you.
Published: Jun 15, 2010 02:40 am