Dynasty Warriors: Origins

Dynasty Warriors Origins trophy guide: How to unlock all 44 trophies

The road to Platinum is long...

Dynasty Warriors: Origins is hot off the press, but the race is now on for players around the world to work their way through all of the available trophies for various in-game achievements. That Platinum trophy is only 44 trophies away. 

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The achievements in Dynasty Warriors: Origins are the same regardless of the platform you’re playing on. Whether you’re on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X | S, or Steam, here’s how to get all 44 achievements in Dynasty Warriors: Origins

All Dynasty Warriors: Origins trophies and achievements

Battle in Dynasty Warriors: Origins

A lot of these achievements will be unlocked simply by progressing through the game and working your way through the story, although some are undoubtedly harder to gain than others. There are some that will require you to go out of your way specifically to obtain them, but nothing is impossible. 

TrophyHow to get
The First BattleComplete the first battle
Suppressing the Yellow TurbansComplete chapter 1
Bringing Down Dong ZhuoComplete chapter 2
The Struggle for SupremacyComplete chapter 3
To Each Their Own PathComplete chapter 4
The Path to PowerComplete the Wei story
The True Path to PowerComplete the Wei story with the true ending
The Future of WuComplete the Wu story
The True Future of WuComplete the Wu story with the true ending
A Just WorldComplete the Shu story
A Truly Just WorldComplete the Shu story with the true ending
Guardian of PeaceComplete restore peace to every region
Supreme CompetenceComplete every mission
Loyal AllyComplete every request
Avid LearnerComplete all training
TravelerUnlock every waymark
Peerless WarriorAcquired a Musou Rage
The Pinnacle of ProwessAquire every skill from the skill panels between Knight-Errant Rank and Musou Rank
Pyroxen HunterCollect 100 Pyroxene
WeaponsmithReforge the traits of a weapon
Deadly PerfectionFully upgrade any weapon
Abundant ArmoryObtain every weapon
Accessory AddictObtain every accessory
Eminent EquestrianObtain every horse
Officer of RenownLead a unit of 30 or more soldiers
Unbreakable BondReach the maximum Bond Level with an officer
Spirit of ComraderieReach the maximum Bond Level with every officer
Living Well of KnowledgeUnlock every story and all records
UnrivaledKill 200,000 enemies
Army of OneDefeat 1,000 enemies in a single battle
Fighting for PeaceWin 30 skirmishes
Killing BlowWin 10 duels
Defying FateRescue an office who has been fated to die
The StrongestDefeat Lu Bu at Hulao Gate
Battle Art MasteryMaster any battle art
Versatile WarriorUse every battle art
Clever TacticianAttain dramatic success with a tactic
Masterful TacticianUse 10 different tactics
A Helping HandRescue an officer 50 times
In UnisonExecute 10 battle art chains
Weapons MasterWin a battle with 9 different weapons
Capable CompanionsWin battles with 9 different companions
The Ultimate WarriorWin a battle on Ultimate Warrior difficulty
True Warrior of the Three KingdomsObtain all other achievements 

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Image of Paula Vaynshteyn
Paula Vaynshteyn
With her first experience of gaming being on an Atari ST, Paula has been gaming for her entire life. She’s 9,000 hours deep into Final Fantasy XIV, spends more time on cozy games than she would care to admit, and is also a huge bookworm. Juggling online adventuring with family life has its struggles, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.