Update 1.1.1
Bungie has been teasing a big change for Strikes (dungeons) going forward, and drumroll…it turns out that it’s matchmaking for Weekly Heroic Strikes. As one of the three “weekly” events you can do for rewards (Heroics, Nightfalls, and raids), you’ll now be able to play with two other people even without a group — the latter two still do not have matchmaking but as always, Bungie is “looking into it.” This is something that should have been in the game to begin with, but going forward it’s a nice change.
The developer is also still prepping the heavy ammo bug fix, reputation icons, and the weapon changes for this month. Xur is selling heavy ammo for the first time in weeks this morning as well, which is hilariously timed for the imminent fix. Bungie notes that going forward, Xur will try to always sell Exotic Engrams.
Other than some questionable weapon balancing this all sounds great for the future, but it’s going to take real content to get people back in.
Bungie Weekly Update – 02/19/2015 [Bungie]
Published: Feb 20, 2015 09:00 am