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People like to be teased. It’s a simple fact. Case in point: on Bungie’s website, there is a post dated 9/22 with the title “Pardon Our Dust” and a whole bunch of random text. For your perusal, here it is:
<\\> UNSC OFFICE OF NAVAL INTELLIGENCE<\\> TAC-OPS LOGISTICS DATABASE [ONI.SEC.PRTCL-1A] <\ * PRIORITY! * RESOURCE RE-ALLOCATION REQUEST>> SENT: [DARE.V.500341(S1)]>> RECEIVED: HEAVY CRUISER “SAY MY NAME” [SMN.ACTUAL] \ PARTIAL VTT TRANSCRIPT AS FOLLOWS…[SMN.ACTUAL]: “The situation on the ground isn’t my concern.”[DARE.V.500341(S1)]: “I understand, Admiral. But I need –“[EXPLOSION (4.0098s)][SMN.UNKNOWN]:[UNINTELLIGIBLE > PANIC(?)][SMN.ACTUAL]: “Empty archer pods six through twelve!”[SMN.ACTUAL]: “Ready the MAC, and come about!”[SMN.UNKNOWN]:[UNINTELLIGIBLE > INSUBORDINATION(?)][SMN.ACTUAL]: “It may have passed us, Lieutenant, but it’s still in range.”[SMN.ACTUAL]: “Come about. And shoot it in the ass.”[EXPLOSION (2.3482s)][STATIC (3.8761s)][SMN.UNKNOWN]:[UNINTELLIGIBLE > COMPLIANCE(?)][DARE.V.500341(S1)]: “Admiral, about my squad?”[DARE.V.500341(S1)]: “I’ve forwarded their NCO’s name to your –“[SMN.ACTUAL]: “Enough, Captain!”[SMN.ACTUAL]: “If I survive this attack…”[SMN.ACTUAL]: “I will deploy per my orders from Fleet HQ!”[DARE.V.500341(S1)]: “Sir. I don’t report to Fleet.”[DARE.V.500341(S1)]: “And the men I want? Now they don’t either.”[DARE.V.500341(S1)]: “Please. Read my request.”[STATIC (2.8179s)][EXPLOSION (3.0194s)][STATIC (7.4501s)][SMN.ACTUAL]: “Didn’t think you S1 types ever left your cave.”[DARE.V.500341(S1)]: “Desperate times…”[SMN.ACTUAL]: “Alright, Captain. You’ve got your squad.”[SMN.ACTUAL]: “If I survive the attack.”[EXPLOSION (2.9016s)][SMN.ACTUAL]: “And right now? That’ll take a genuine act of God.”[DARE.V.500341(S1)]: “I’ll see what I can do.”\ ~ REQUEST COMPLETE\ DATABASE CLOSED \>
Listeners of RetroForceGO! know I am no fan of Bungie games, so I can’t pretend I’m waiting on this one with baited breath, but I do know it could mean something great for a lot of gamers who love their work. Just what though, I couldn’t say (although our cbloggers are already hard at work to crack the case). Any ideas as to what this mysterious message may mean?
[Thanks, Adam]
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Published: Sep 23, 2008 01:35 pm