If you buy Bulletstorm today, you’ll get access to the Gears of War 3 beta as a nice reward. Sadly, you might not be a fan of kicking people in the face and shooting their testicles as they fly far away. If you’re one of those freaks, don’t worry — Epic has you covered.
Gears producer Rod Fergusson confirmed that alternative ways to access the beta will arrive this week. He did add, however, that if you choose one of these other routes, you’ll “miss out on the exclusive headstart and some cool exclusive content.” So, be warned.
Those of you buying Bulletstorm for the beta need to be warned as well — you’ll need to disc to access Gears of War 3, so don’t trade it in as soon as you’re done with it!
Bulletstorm is out today and our review has been posted hours ago.
@GearsViking [Twitter]
Published: Feb 22, 2011 03:20 pm