The latest news is that news will be coming, says Insomniac. What this news is, how new it will be, or whether it will be newer than any other news that day is something we won’t know until we know what the news is. The news about the news comes from Insomniac’s Twitter, which bears news that news will be coming tomorrow. We will report on this news when it becomes news. We have also reported on the news when it isn’t news.
“Preparing to reveal some news tomorrow about Insomniac,” says Insomniac. “Shhh!”
Who knows what the news could be? Well, Insomniac knows, obviously. Nevertheless, we can now speculate like rampant dogs over what this news could be. Master Chief confirmed for Resistance 3? Insomniac working on the port for the 360 version of Metal Gear Solid 4? The developer will be hunting down those responsible for the last few Spyro games and steadily kicking them in the bollocks?
It could be anything, and this post is obviously the product of a slow news day and too much time on a writer’s hands. Hit the jump for a picture of a pig suckling its young.
Published: Mar 9, 2009 06:30 pm