Whether it's PVP or PVE, here's the best Jujutsu Infinite weapons tier list.
Gordan Perisic
Published: Dec 26, 2024 01:16 pm
There are various weapons called Cursed Tools in Jujutsu Infinite and each one has a special set of moves that comes with it. That said, some are drastically stronger than others in both PVP and PVE. Here’s the best Jujutsu Infinite weapons tier list.
Even though most Weapons in Jujutsu Infinite are Special Grade, some are drastically stronger than others. You should aim to farm and get the S-Tier or A-Tier ones ASAP, as they’re excellent both for PVP and PVE. If you want to know how to get each weapon, check out our Cursed Tools guide. There’s also no Executioner’s Blade here if you’re wondering because that’s a Judgeman Domain-only weapon. Let’s check out the ranking explanations.
S-Tier Weapons
Vengeance simply deals the most damage in the game if you can hit all abilities and especially that Rising Snow with a Black Flash boost. Also, each hit from the abilities will cause bleed which adds up quite quick, especially in PVP.
Ravenous Axe
In my mind, Ravenous Axe is tied with Vengeance for the best weapon in the game because it not only deals great damage but also offers excellent mobility. The damage-based moves are one thing but Flock of Many gives you a fast dash with iFrames, allowing you to reposition safely.
Inverted Spear of Heaven
Not only does the ISOH have one of the strongest melee grab attacks but it also ignores all iFrames from all sources in both PVP and PVE. Hitting that Throat Gouge not only does brutal damage but also looks brutal as well.
The Impossible Dream
Another weapon with a powerful grab attack, but that’s not the only reason The Impossible Dream is in S-Tier. I really like it for the massive Thrust AOE damage and bleed which also acts as a lengthy dash to reach your opponent.
A-Tier Weapons
Heian Gauntlets (Tester Weapon)
These Gauntlets fill up the Focus bar quite quickly, and that Calamity AOE damage is massive. It also scales with Technique and allows you to reposition to the ground from the air quite quickly while looking for opportunities to land Devastation. Overall an excellent weapon if you have it from the Testing period.
Dragon Bone
The Dragon Bone sword is overall a highly versatile weapon with great damage, mobility, and a powerful AOE Guard Break attack from Energy Dispell. Perfect for A-Tier.
Viscera Scythe
Viscera Scythe is one of the unique weapons with three moves instead of two, and they’re great for farming EXP. Each attack deals excellent damage and covers a massive AOE. It’s not the best for PVP, but it’s excellent in PVE.
B-Tier Weapons
Electric Staff
If you’re going for a build that maxes Technique, I highly recommend the Electric Staff because all its moves scale with Technique. Otherwise, if you’re going for Strenght, there are better weapons.
Feather Spear
Similar to Dragon Bone but slightly less powerful, the Feather Spear is just an overall reliable weapon if you get it. It’s got decent damage and that Quilled Javelin throw is good utility as a ranged attack if you need to back off.
Playful Cloud
Playful Cloud is excellent for an aggressive playstyle as its combo attacks from Playful Strike and the massive damage Chained Dropkick grab keep repositioning your opponent so you can Blitz dash to them and repeat.
Jet Black
Jet Black can be just as good as any B-Tier weapon or higher if you abuse that teleport slash to dodge high-damage moves. Otherwise, it’s just a decent C to B-Tier weapon.
C-Tier Weapons
Rusty Katana
Okay, so the Rusty Katana used to be a broken PVP weapon due to its almost infinite combo attack that stun-locks your opponent. It’s heavily nerfed now, but it still has stun-lock potential with lowered damage. The only reason I haven’t placed it in the higher tiers is because I think Robby’s going to nerf it even more. Could be wrong though and then this becomes a sleeper OP PVP weapon on release.
Split Soul
Another heavily nerfed weapon is the Split Soul sword that used to be quite good and now it’s only decent for C-Tier. Still, that Guard Break Soul Slice is pretty good in PVP, and there’s a lot of combo opportunities around the Soul Stream knock-up and follow-up.
Blood Sword
I thought Blood Sword is going to be much better than it is when I first got it but that Blood Pact is just too damn slow to be competitive. Still a mid-tier weapon though.
D-Tier Weapons
Slaughter Demon
The best of the D-Tier bunch, but still D-Tier. At least the first dash ability is useful for repositioning until you get a better weapon.
Purifying Dagger
I can appreciate the utility of a ranged attack, but its stats and potential are just subpar compared to the other weapons.
Iron Blade
Sell it.
That’s it for my Jujutsu Infinite weapons tier list. Now that you know the best weapons, check out the best Innate Techniques.
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Gordan loves to dive into the nitty-gritty of roleplaying games whether it be a massive title like Baldur's Gate 3 or a hidden RPG gem on Roblox. You can always find him in the nooks and crannies of multiplayer games searching for secrets. That is when he's not running D&D for his friends.
Published: Dec 26, 2024 01:16 pm