A while back, we put up a Top Spin 3-related package of goodies up as a prize in a contest, thanks to the gracious folks at Rocket XL. I figured at least some people would be interested in said prize package, but as it turned out, Dtoiders (in general) don’t really care all that much about sports games (surprise, surprise). Still, while the quantity of entries was dangerously low, the quality was concentrated in the few entries we did receive. Regardless, there can only be one grand prize winner, and his name is…LostCrichton!
The entry submitted by LostCrichton — which was, oddly enough, the first one I received — makes me laugh every time I look at it. Hell, I’m guffawing as I type this! The combination of the ridiculous ’fro (with headband), disturbingly small outfit, and facial expression absolutely blew away the competition — and you get bonus points for wearing a Cashwh0re shirt, my friend. Congrats! You will soon be the owner of a Top Spin 3 track jacket, as well as copies of Top Spin 3, MLB 2K8, NBA 2K8, and Don King Presents: Prizefighter on your console of choice!
The runner-ups, who will each receive a copy of Top Spin 3, are…Kryptinite and NihonTiger90! To be honest, I actually laughed more at the fourth (and final) entry, submitted by Y0j1mb0 — but I had to disqualify him because you can’t actually see a tennis ball in the photo. Sorry; fair’s fair, but hey…at least the internet can now laugh collectively at the four of you in the gallery below, right? Now you can all tell your grandkids that you were e-famous!
We’ll be contacting the winners soon enough to get their mailing addresses. Thanks very much to Rocket XL for providing the prizes, and thanks as well to the four entrants: you truly went balls deep and made asses out of yourselves on camera for the whole world to see!
Published: Aug 18, 2008 07:20 pm