From our comments section
Destructoid has had Metroid on the brain all week. Believe it or not, we’ve secretly been holding back from writing more about the series than we already have. We almost put together a feature about some of the awesome looking Metroid-likes that are currently on the horizon (including Ghost Song, Chasm, and Paradise Lost) but we didn’t want to burn you out on the topic.
Our current Metroid obsession may be nearly as intense as the love that Axiom Verge developer Tom Happ feels for the series. Probably not though. Few people love Metroid enough to spend five years of their life working on a game that’s basically a love letter to Metroid and Super Metroid, but that’s exactly what he did. Even fewer people would probably use the Destructoid comments section to tell the world that he “…can’t commit to anything, but Axiom Verge will *probably* be available for Wii U in 2016. 3DS is quite a bit more difficult since the hardware is so completely different. Should Nintendo be reading this and decide to lend me a hand, that’d be VERY appreciated!!”
Operation AxiomMergeTroid anyone?
Published: Jun 21, 2015 01:00 am