Assassin’s Creed: Origins will have plenty of post-launch content

This article is over 7 years old and may contain outdated information

From the season pass and free DLC

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Another day, another season pass. I suppose I should be used the inevitable announcement of these things, but I’m still not really sold on the idea of extra content being factored into the development process. At least for Assassin’s Creed: Origins, the season pass isn’t the only way you’ll get to experience more of the Creed. The free DLC actually sounds far more interesting, in my opinion.

The season pass (which retails for $39.99) will include two narrative focused expansions, an exclusive rare weapon, a weapon and armor pack and some premium currency (of course). The two story packs are The Hidden Ones, centering on the growth of the Brotherhood, and The Curse of the Pharaohs, which takes Origins in a more mythical direction and introduces undead mummies and creatures like the Anubis.

As for the free content, the biggest addition coming to Origins is a mode called “Discovery Tour.” This removes all combat and story missions from the game and turns the world of Origins into a digital museum. You’ll be able to tour ancient Egypt with information being provided by historians and Egyptologists. I’d really like to see this expanded in a future Assassin’s Creed game as the attention to historical accuracy has always been the series’ strong point.

A photo mode will be coming alongside a horde mode, a boss rush mode with timed events and a wandering merchant with daily quests. It sounds like Ubisoft is trying to make this into an MMO, but giving people more reason to explore ancient Egypt isn’t the worst thing in the world.

If you get on with Origins, it looks like you’ll have a lot of content to play through in the coming year. I don’t know if the season pass is really worth it, but that “Discovery Tour” sounds quite excellent. I might have to nab this game on a discount just to tickle my history itch.

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Image of Peter Glagowski
Peter Glagowski
Former Dtoid staff member.