Watching the first trailer for Eskil Steenberg’s procedurally-generated MMO, Love, I found myself experiencing a feeling I hadn’t encountered since my first time booting up Myst.
Maybe it’s the drenched landscapes of color or the music that makes me feel as if I am falling through a dream, but either way I have to admit to being even more intrigued with this game then I was before.
The trailer is exclusive over at RockPaperShotgun, so check it out here and see what you think. For action-oriented gamers, this will be more boring than watching paint dry, but if you were a big fan of Braid you’ll likely be as intrigued as I am. There’s no release date set for now, but I really do hope to see this project continue to expand, as it seems to bereaching for something innovative and different, which there isn’t enough of in the industry these days.
[Thanks, Adam!]
Published: Oct 16, 2008 08:05 am