All Old School Runescape League V Raging Echoes Tasks

All League 5 Tasks in Old School RuneScape

Over 1500 Tasks across all regions in te new Raging Echoes league

With the release of Old School RuneScape League V Raging Echoes, there are 1543 League Tasks in total across the five different difficulties and eleven regions. There are also 453 Global tasks that can be completed in any region. Below we’ve included full tables for each of the regions with all of the available tasks and their difficulties.

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All Raging Echoes Tasks in OSRS

We have listed all of the regions in alphabetical order and will provide tables with the task difficulties, tasks, and rewards for all of the available tasks in all regions during the OSRS League V Raging Echoes event.

Asgarnia Tasks

There are 95 total League Tasks in the Region of Asgarnia in the Raging Echoes league comprised of the following tasks for each difficulty:

  • 8 Easy tasks (10 League Points each)
  • 33 Medium tasks (30 League Points each)
  • 30 Hard tasks (80 League Points each)
  • 22 Elite tasks (200 League Points each)
  • 3 Master tasks (400 League Points each)
EasyCraft an Air RuneCraft an Air Rune from Essence at the Air Altar.10 LP
EasyDefeat a Troll in BurthorpeDefeat a Troll in Asgarnia.10 LP
EasyEnter the Taverly DungeonEnter the Taverley Dungeon10 LP
EasyKill a port Sarim prisonerKill a port Sarim prisoner.10 LP
EasyEat a magic cabbageEat a magic cabbage.10 LP
EasyGive Thurgo a redberry pieGive Thurgo a redberry pie.10 LP
EasyUse the Falador Party roomDeposit an item into the Falador Party room chest.10 LP
EasyBalance 5 barrels on your headBalance 5 barrels on your head in the Warriors guild.10 LP
MediumSet Up a Dwarven CannonSet Up a Dwarf Cannon.30 LP
MediumComplete the Falador Agility CourseComplete a lap of the Falador Rooftop Agility Course.30 LP
MediumObtain 20 Golden NuggetsObtain 20 Golden Nuggets from the Motherlode Mine beneath Falador.30 LP
MediumEnter the Crafting GuildEnter the Crafting Guild.30 LP
MediumCraft a Body RuneCraft a Body Rune from Essence at the Body Altar.30 LP
MediumHarvest Ring Herb at the Troll StrongholdHarvest any herb you’ve grown at the Troll Stronghold.30 LP
MediumDefeat the Giant MoleDefeat the Giant Mole beneath Falador.30 LP
MediumDefeat a Skeletal WyvernDefeat a Skeletal Wyvern in the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon.30 LP
MediumDefeat a Blue Dragon in AsgarniaDefeat a Blue Dragon in Asgarnia.30 LP
MediumCharge an Amulet of Glory in the Heroes’ GuildCharge an Amulet of Glory at the Fountain of Heroes in the Heroes’ Guild.30 LP
MediumDefeat a Black Demon in AsgarniaDefeat a Black Demon in Asgarnia.30 LP
MediumDefeat the Giant Mole 50 TimesDefeat the Giant Mole beneath Falador 50 times.30 LP
MediumDefeat the Giant Mole 150 TimesDefeat the Giant Mole beneath Falador 150 times.30 LP
MediumComplete the Easy Falador DiaryComplete all of the easy tasks in the Falador Achievement Diary.30 LP
MediumComplete the Medium Falador DiaryComplete all of the medium tasks in the Falador Achievement Diary.30 LP
MediumUnlock God Wars DungeonUnlock a gate in Taverley Dungeon using the Dusty Key.30 LP
MediumTurn in 100 Mole Claws to Wyson the GardenerTurn in 100 Mole Claws to Wyson the Gardener in Falador.30 LP
MediumEnter the Warriors’ GuildEnter the Warriors’ Guild.30 LP
MediumComplete a Game of Novice Pest ControlComplete a game of Novice Pest Control or higher.30 LP
MediumComplete a Game of Intermediate Pest ControlComplete a game of Intermediate Pest Control or higher.30 LP
MediumOpen the Crystal ChestOpen the Crystal Chest in Taverley.30 LP
MediumEquip an Imcando HammerEquip an Imcando Hammer.30 LP
MediumOpen an Ornate LockboxOpen an Ornate Lockbox from the Camdozaal Vault.30 LP
MediumEquip Amy’s SawObtain and Equip Amy’s Saw from Mahogany Homes.30 LP
MediumObtain the Plank SackObtain the Plank Sack from Mahogany Homes.30 LP
MediumDefeat the Evil chickenDefeat the Evil chicken.30 LP
MediumMake 50 Ancient BrewsMake 50 Ancient Brews.30 LP
MediumThrow a Shot Put 12 yardsThrow a Shot Put 12 yards in the Warriors Guild.30 LP
MediumHave a Painting of a watermillHang a Painting of Lumbidge Watermill in your PoH.30 LP
MediumKill 5 SpinnersKill 5 Spinners in Pest Control.30 LP
MediumEquip a DefenderEquip a Defender.30 LP
MediumConsume a Saradomin’s LightConsume a Saradomin’s Light.30 LP
HardEquip a Full Rogue OutfitEquip a full set of Rogue gear.80 LP
HardEquip a Full Prospector OutfitEquip a full set of Prospector gear.80 LP
HardCraft 50 Law RunesCraft 50 Law Runes from Essence at the Law Altar.80 LP
HardEquip a Dragon DefenderEquip a Dragon Defender.80 LP
HardDefeat K’ril TsutsarothDefeat K’ril Tsutsaroth in the God Wars Dungeon.80 LP
HardDefeat General GraardorDefeat General Graardor in the God Wars Dungeon.80 LP
HardEquip a Saradomin SwordEquip a Saradomin Sword.80 LP
HardDefeat Kree’arraDefeat Kree’arra in the God Wars Dungeon.80 LP
HardDefeat Commander ZilyanaDefeat Commander Zilyana in the God Wars Dungeon.80 LP
HardDefeat CerberusDefeat Cerberus in Taverley Dungeon.80 LP
HardEquip a Pair of Dragon BootsEquip a pair of Dragon Boots.80 LP
HardDefeat Any God Wars Dungeon Boss 100 TimesDefeat any one of the God Wars Dungeon bosses 100 times.80 LP
HardDefeat Any God Wars Dungeon Boss 250 TimesDefeat any one of the God Wars Dungeon bosses 250 times.80 LP
HardDefeat the Giant Mole 300 TimesDefeat the Giant Mole beneath Falador 300 times.80 LP
HardComplete the Hard Falador DiaryComplete all of the hard tasks in the Falador Achievement Diary.80 LP
HardComplete A Porcine of InterestComplete the A Porcine of Interest quest.80 LP
HardEquip a Full Void Knight SetEquip a full set of Void Knight equipment.80 LP
HardKeep the Veteran Void Knight Above 150 HitpointsComplete a game of Veteran Pest Control without letting the Void Knight fall below 150 Hitpoints.80 LP
HardComplete a Game of Veteran Pest ControlComplete a game of Veteran Pest Control.80 LP
HardPurchase a Celestial ringPurchase a Celestial ring from Dusuri’s Star Shop.80 LP
HardEquip an item of the Golden Prospector SetEquip a Golden prospector helmet, a Golden prospector jacket, some Golden prospector legs or Golden prospector boots.80 LP
HardDefeat NexDefeat Nex in the God Wars Dungeon.80 LP
HardDefeat Nex 50 TimesDefeat Nex in the God Wars Dungeon 50 times.80 LP
HardDefeat Nex 150 TimesDefeat Nex in the God Wars Dungeon 150 times.80 LP
HardEquip some Zaryte VambracesObtain and equip some Zaryte Vambraces.80 LP
HardDefeat WhispererDefeat Whisperer.80 LP
HardDefeat Whisperer 50 timesDefeat Whisperer 50 times.80 LP
HardDefeat Whisperer 150 timesDefeat Whisperer 150 times.80 LP
HardDefeat Cerberus 50 timesDefeat Cerberus 50 times.80 LP
HardDefeat Cerberus 150 timesDefeat Cerberus 150 times.80 LP
EliteEquip a Full Graceful OutfitEquip a full set of Graceful gear.200 LP
EliteEquip Staff of the DeadEquip a Staff of the Dead.200 LP
EliteEquip a Zamorakian SpearEquip a Zamorakian Spear.200 LP
EliteEquip a Piece of the Armadyl Armour SetEquip any piece of the Armadyl Armour set.200 LP
EliteEquip a Full Armadyl Armour SetEquip a full set of Armadyl Armour.200 LP
EliteEquip a Piece of the Bandos Armour SetEquip a piece of the Bandos Armour set.200 LP
EliteEquip a Full Bandos Armour SetEquip a full set of Bandos Armour.200 LP
EliteEquip an Armadyl CrossbowEquip an Armadyl Crossbow.200 LP
EliteEquip Some Primordial, Pegasian or Eternal BootsEquip either some Primordial Boots, some Pegasian Boots, or some Eternal Boots.200 LP
EliteEquip a GodswordEquip any Godsword.200 LP
EliteDefeat Any God Wars Dungeon Boss 500 TimesDefeat any one of the God Wars Dungeon bosses 500 times.200 LP
EliteComplete the Elite Falador DiaryComplete all of the elite tasks in the Falador Achievement Diary.200 LP
EliteEquip a Full set of Golden ProspectorEquip a Golden prospector helmet, a Golden prospector jacket, some Golden prospector legs and Golden prospector boots.200 LP
EliteDefeat Nex 300 TimesDefeat Nex in the God Wars Dungeon 300 times.200 LP
EliteEquip a Piece of Torva ArmourEquip either a Torva full helm, a Torva platebody or some Torva platelegs.200 LP
EliteEquip a Zaryte CrossbowObtain and equip a Zaryte Crossbow.200 LP
EliteDefeat Whisperer 300 TimesDefeat Whisperer 300 times.200 LP
EliteDefeat Awakened WhispererDefeat Awakened Whisperer.200 LP
EliteEquip the Bellator RingObtain and Equip the Bellator Ring.200 LP
EliteEquip a Full set of the Carpenters OutfitEquip a full set of the Carpenter outfit, purchased from the Mahogany Homes minigame.200 LP
EliteDefeat Cerberus 300 TimesDefeat Cerberus 300 times.200 LP
EliteThe Whisperer Combat AchievementsComplete all of the Combat Achievements for The Whisperer.200 LP
MasterEquip Every GodswordEquip all five Godswords.400 LP
MasterEquip a Full set of Torva ArmourEquip a Torva full helm, a Torva platebody and some Torva platelegs.400 LP
MasterGodWars Dungeon Combat AchievementsComplete all of the Combat Achievements for Godwars Dungeon.400 LP

Fremennik Tasks

There are 112 total League Tasks in the Region of Fremennik in the Raging Echoes league comprised of the following tasks for each difficulty:

  • 14 Easy tasks (10 League Points each)
  • 32 Medium tasks (30 League Points each)
  • 41 Hard tasks (80 League Points each)
  • 23 Elite tasks (200 League Points each)
  • 2 Master tasks (400 League Points each)
EasySwitch to the Lunar SpellbookSwitch to the Lunar Spellbook.10 LP
EasyDefeat a Rock Crab in the Fremennik ProvinceDefeat a Rock Crab in the Fremennik Province.10 LP
EasyDefeat a Cockatrice in the Fremennik ProvinceDefeat a Cockatrice in the Fremennik Province.10 LP
EasyDefeat a Pyrefiend in the Fremennik ProvinceDefeat a Pyrefiend in the Fremennik Province.10 LP
EasyUse the Bank on JatizsoUse the Bank on Jatizso.10 LP
EasyUse the Bank on NeitiznotUse the Bank on Neitiznot.10 LP
EasyUse the Bank on Lunar IsleUse the Bank on Lunar Isle.10 LP
EasyKill a YakKill a Yak.10 LP
EasyChop down an arctic pine treeChop down an artic pine tree.10 LP
EasyCut the Swaying treeCut the Swaying Tree.10 LP
EasyCatch a Polar KebbitCatch a Polar Kebbit.10 LP
EasyCatch a Cerulean TwitchCatch a Cerulean Twitch.10 LP
EasyKill a RoosterKill a Rooster in the Fremennik Province.10 LP
EasyPick up Snape grassPick up Snapegrass from Lunar Isle.10 LP
MediumCraft 50 Astral RunesCraft 50 Astral Runes from Essence at the Astral Altar.30 LP
MediumComplete the Penguin Agility CourseComplete a lap of the Penguin Agility Course.30 LP
MediumCatch a Snowy KnightCatch a Snowy Knight.30 LP
MediumUnlock Free Use of the Blast FurnaceUnlock free use of the Keldagrim Blast Furnace by speaking with the Foreman.30 LP
MediumUse Some Icy Basalt to Teleport to WeissUse some Icy Basalt to teleport to Weiss.30 LP
MediumDefeat a Kurask in the Fremennik ProvinceDefeat a Kurask in the Fremennik Province.30 LP
MediumDefeat a Troll in the Fremennik ProvinceDefeat a Troll in the Fremennik Province.30 LP
MediumDefeat a Dagannoth in the Fremennik ProvinceDefeat a Dagannoth in the Fremennik Province.30 LP
MediumEquip a Helm of NeitiznotEquip a Helm of Neitiznot.30 LP
MediumDefeat a Turoth in the Fremennik ProvinceDefeat a Turoth in the Fremennik Province.30 LP
MediumDefeat a Jelly in the Fremennik ProvinceDefeat a Jelly in the Fremennik Province.30 LP
MediumUse the Special Attack of a Dragon AxeUse the special attack of a Dragon Axe in the Fremennik Province.30 LP
MediumComplete the Easy Fremennik DiaryComplete all of the easy tasks in the Fremennik Achievement Diary.30 LP
MediumComplete the Medium Fremennik DiaryComplete all of the medium tasks in the Fremennik Achievement Diary.30 LP
MediumDeposit an Item Using Peer the SeerDeposit an item into your bank using Peer the Seer.30 LP
MediumComplete Throne of MiscellaniaComplete the Throne of Miscellania quest.30 LP
MediumComplete Royal TroubleComplete the Royal Trouble quest.30 LP
MediumEquip a Full set of Yakhide ArmourEquip a full set of Yakhide Armour.30 LP
MediumKill 8 penguins within 9 secondsKill 8 penguins within 5 seconds.30 LP
MediumSteal a Cow bell in RellekkaSteal a Cow bell in Rellekka.30 LP
MediumFill up 20 baskets of sand in RellekkaFill up 20 buckets of sand in Rellekka.30 LP
MediumCatch a Sapphire GlacialisCatch a Sapphire Glacialis.30 LP
MediumOpen a Frozen CacheOpen a Frozen Cache.30 LP
MediumKill a Brine RatKill a Brine Rat.30 LP
MediumCatch a Sabre-toothed KebbitCatch a Sabre-toothed Kebbit.30 LP
MediumSteal a FishSteal some fish from a Fish stall.30 LP
MediumSteal a Wooden StockSteal a Wooden Stock from a Crossbow Stall.30 LP
MediumEquip a Damaged God bookEquip a Damaged God book.30 LP
MediumLoot a LyreKill someone and obtain their Lyre.30 LP
MediumKill a WallasalkiKill a Wallasalki.30 LP
MediumKill a SuqahKill a Suqah.30 LP
MediumSteal a ChiselSteal a Chisel from a crafting stall in Keldagrim.30 LP
HardDefeat a Rune DragonDefeat a Rune Dragon in the Lithkren Vault.80 LP
HardCast Moonclan TeleportCast the Moonclan Teleport spell.80 LP
HardCast Spellbook SwapCatch the Spellbook Swap spell.80 LP
HardComplete the Rellekka Agility CourseComplete a lap of the Rellekka Rooftop Agility Course.80 LP
HardHarvest a Snapdragon in WeissHarvest a Snapdragon you’ve grown in Weiss.80 LP
HardTrap a Sabre-toothed KyattTrap a Sabre-toothed Kyatt.80 LP
HardUse Your Portal Nexus to Teleport to WeissUse a Portal Nexus in your Player Owned House to teleport to Weiss.80 LP
HardCreate a Catherby Teleport TabletCreate a Catherby Teleport Tablet.80 LP
HardDefeat a Basilisk KnightDefeat a Basilisk Knight in the Jormungand’s Prison.80 LP
HardDefeat VorkathDefeat Vorkath on Ungael.80 LP
HardEquip an Ava’s AssemblerEquip an Ava’s Assembler.80 LP
HardEquip a Brine SabreEquip a Brine Sabre.80 LP
HardDefeat the Dagannoth Kings Without LeavingDefeat all three of the Dagannoth Kings in the Waterbirth Island Dungeon without leaving their area.80 LP
HardEquip a Berserker RingEquip a Berserker Ring.80 LP
HardEquip a Warrior RingEquip a Warrior Ring.80 LP
HardEquip a Seer’s RingEquip a Seer’s Ring.80 LP
HardEquip an Archer’s RingEquip an Archer’s Ring.80 LP
HardDefeat Vorkath 50 TimesDefeat Vorkath on Ungael 50 times.80 LP
HardDefeat Vorkath 150 TimesDefeat Vorkath on Ungael 150 times.80 LP
HardDefeat Each Dagannoth King 50 TimesDefeat all three of the Dagannoth Kings in the Waterbirth Island Dungeon 50 times.80 LP
HardDefeat Each Dagannoth King 150 TimesDefeat all three of the Dagannoth Kings in the Waterbirth Island Dungeon 150 times.80 LP
HardEquip a Mud BattlestaffEquip a Mud Battlestaff.80 LP
HardEquip a SeercullEquip a Seercull.80 LP
HardEquip a Leaf-bladed BattleaxeEquip a Leaf-bladed Battleaxe.80 LP
HardEquip a Full Skeletal Armour SetEquip a full set of Skeletal armour.80 LP
HardEquip a Full Spined Armour SetEquip a full set of Spined armour.80 LP
HardEquip a Full Rockshell Armour SetEquip a full set of Rockshell armour.80 LP
HardComplete the Hard Fremennik DiaryComplete all of the hard tasks in the Fremennik Achievement Diary.80 LP
HardCollect Miscellania Resources at Full ApprovalCollect some resources on Miscellania with an approval rating of 100%.80 LP
HardDefeat Duke SucellusDefeat Duke Sucellus.80 LP
HardDefeat Duke Sucellus 50 timesDefeat Duke Sucellus 50 times.80 LP
HardDefeat Duke Sucellus 150 timesDefeat Duke Sucellus 150 times.80 LP
HardDefeat Phantom MuspahDefeat Phantom Muspah.80 LP
HardDefeat Phantom Muspah 50 timesDefeat Phantom Muspah 50 times.80 LP
HardDefeat Phantom Muspah 150 timesDefeat Phantom Muspah 150 times.80 LP
HardEquip the Ancient SceptreObtain and Equip the Ancient Spectre.80 LP
HardTrade with BardurTrade with Bardur, in Waterbirth island dungeon.80 LP
HardObtain a Frozen Cache from a CacheObtain a Frozen Cache from another Frozen Cache.80 LP
HardBlast Furnace 100 Mithril BarsSmelt 100 Mithril Bars at the Blast Furnace.80 LP
HardComplete 25 laps of the Rellekka Agility CourseComplete 25 laps of Rellekka Agility Course.80 LP
HardKill a Rock LobsterKill a Rock Lobster.80 LP
EliteEquip a Dragon CrossbowEquip a Dragon Crossbow.200 LP
EliteEquip a Dragon Platebody or Dragon KiteshieldEquip either a Dragon Platebody or a Dragon Kiteshield.200 LP
EliteEquip a Dragonfire WardEquip a Dragonfire Ward.200 LP
EliteEquip a Dragonbone NecklaceEquip a Dragonbone Necklace.200 LP
EliteEquip Every Dagannoth King RingEquip an Archer’s Ring, a Berserker Ring, a Seer’s Ring and a Warrior Ring.200 LP
EliteEquip a Neitiznot FaceguardEquip a Neitznot Faceguard.200 LP
EliteDefeat Vorkath 5 Times Without Special DamageDefeat Vorkath on Ungael 5 times in a row without taking any damage from his special attacks and without leaving his area Failing this task requires you to leave the instance to try again.200 LP
EliteDefeat Vorkath 15 Times Without LeavingDefeat Vorkath on Ungael 15 times without leaving his area.200 LP
EliteDefeat Vorkath 300 TimesDefeat Vorkath on Ungael 300 times.200 LP
EliteDefeat Each Dagannoth King 300 TimesDefeat all three of the Dagannoth Kings in the Waterbirth Island Dungeon 300 times.200 LP
EliteComplete the Elite Fremennik DiaryComplete all of the elite tasks in the Fremennik Achievement Diary.200 LP
EliteEquip a Completed God bookEquip a completed God book.200 LP
EliteDefeat Duke Sucellus 300 timesDefeat Duke Sucellus 300 times.200 LP
EliteDefeat Awakened Duke SucellusDefeat Awakened Duke Sucellus.200 LP
EliteDefeat Phantom Muspah 300 timesDefeat Phantom Muspah 300 times.200 LP
EliteEquip the Magus RingObtain and Equip the Magus Ring.200 LP
EliteEquip the Venator BowObtain and Equip the Venator Bow.200 LP
EliteMake 50 Forgotten BrewsMake 50 Forgotten Brews.200 LP
EliteDuke Sucellus Combat AchievementsComplete all of the Combat Achievements for Duke Sucellus.200 LP
EliteDagannoth Kings Combat AchievementsComplete all of the Combat Achievements for Dagannoth Kings.200 LP
EliteVorkath Combat AchievementsComplete all of the Combat Achievements for Vorkath.200 LP
ElitePhantom Muspah Combat AchievementsComplete all of the Combat Achievements for Phantom Muspah.200 LP
EliteBlast Furnace 100 Runite BarsSmelt 100 Ruinite Bars at the Blast Furnace.200 LP
MasterEquip Every Completed God BookEquip every completed God Book.400 LP
MasterCreate the Infinity HeartCreate the Saturated Heart.400 LP

Kandarin Tasks

There are 103 total League Tasks in the Region of Kandarin in the Raging Echoes league comprised of the following tasks for each difficulty:

  • 13 Easy tasks (10 League Points each)
  • 37 Medium tasks (30 League Points each)
  • 30 Hard tasks (80 League Points each)
  • 20 Elite tasks (200 League Points each)
  • 3 Master tasks (400 League Points each)
EasyComplete the Gnome Stronghold Agility CourseComplete a lap of the Gnome Stronghold Agility Course.10 LP
EasyCatch a Crimson Swift in the Feldip HillsCatch a Crimson Swift in the Feldip Hills.10 LP
EasyDefeat a Bloodveld in KandarinDefeat a Bloodveld in Kandarin.10 LP
EasyDefeat a Fire Giant in KandarinDefeat a Fire Giant in Kandarin.10 LP
EasyVisit the Tree Gnome VillageVisit the Tree Gnome Village.10 LP
EasyVisit the Tree Gnome StrongholdVisit the Tree Gnome Stronghold.10 LP
EasyBrimstail Rune Essence Mine teleportHave Brimstail teleport you to the Rune Essence Mine.10 LP
EasyPick Wheat in CatherbyPick some wheat in the field by the Catherby Farming patches.10 LP
EasyGet stung by BeesGet stung by bees at the Beehives.10 LP
EasyKill Salarin the TwistedKill Salarin the Twisted in Yanille Agility Dungeon.10 LP
EasyCatch a wild kebbitCatch a wild kebbit.10 LP
EasyReceive a gift from ArnoldTalk to Arnold Lydspor and receive a gift.10 LP
EasyObtain Jack’s legendary rodBuy Grandpa Jack’s competition winning fishing rod.10 LP
MediumPickpocket a Knight of Ardougne 50 TimesPickpocket a Knight of Ardougne 50 times.30 LP
MediumComplete the Barbarian Outpost Agility CourseComplete a lap of the Barbarian Outpost Agility Course.30 LP
MediumTrap a Spined Larupia in the Feldip HillsTrap a Spined Larupia in the Feldip Hills.30 LP
MediumEquip a Spottier CapeEquip a Spottier Cape.30 LP
MediumCatch a Red SalamanderCatch a Red Salamander outside the Ourania Altar.30 LP
MediumEnter the Fishing GuildEnter the Fishing Guild.30 LP
MediumCatch a MonkfishCatch a Monkfish at the Piscatoris Fishing Colony.30 LP
MediumComplete a Fishing Trawler GameComplete a Fishing Trawler game at Port Khazard.30 LP
MediumMove Your House to YanilleMove your Player Owned House to Yanille.30 LP
MediumDefeat a Tortoise with Riders in KandarinDefeat a Tortoise with riders in Kandarin.30 LP
MediumEquip a Dragon ScimitarEquip a Dragon Scimitar.30 LP
MediumEnter the Ranging GuildEnter the Ranging Guild.30 LP
MediumEnter the Wizards’ GuildEnter the Wizards’ Guild in Yanille.30 LP
MediumDefeat the Thermonuclear Smoke DevilDefeat the Thermonuclear Smoke Devil in the Smoke Devil Dungeon.30 LP
MediumWin a Game of Castle WarsWin a game of Castle Wars.30 LP
MediumComplete Monk’s FriendComplete the Monk’s Friend quest.30 LP
MediumComplete Tower of LifeComplete the Tower of Life quest.30 LP
MediumComplete Sea SlugComplete the Sea Slug quest.30 LP
MediumComplete the Observatory QuestComplete the Observatory Quest.30 LP
MediumEquip a Marksmen Chompy HatEquip a Marksman Chompy Hat.30 LP
MediumEquip an Expert Bowman Chompy HatEquip an Ogre Forester Chompy Hat.30 LP
MediumEquip a Monkey BackpackEquip a Monkey Backpack.30 LP
MediumComplete the Easy Kandarin DiaryComplete all of the easy tasks in the Kandarin Achievement Diary.30 LP
MediumComplete the Medium Kandarin DiaryComplete all of the medium tasks in the Kandarin Achievement Diary.30 LP
MediumComplete the Easy Ardougne DiaryComplete all of the easy tasks in the Ardougne Achievement Diary.30 LP
MediumComplete the Medium Ardougne DiaryComplete all of the medium tasks in the Ardougne Achievement Diary.30 LP
MediumDrink a Poison ChaliceDrink a Poison Chalice.30 LP
MediumComplete Fishing ContestComplete the Fishing Contest Quest.30 LP
MediumKill a SwordchickKill a Swordchick underneath the Tower of Life.30 LP
MediumKill a NewtroostKill a Newtroost underneath the Tower of Life.30 LP
MediumSell 20 Iron SheetsSell 20 Iron Sheets to Franklin Caranos.30 LP
MediumUse a Herring on a mighty treeUse a herring on the mightiest of trees.30 LP
MediumGet 250 Target pointsAchieve 250 points in the Target minigame in the Ranging Guild.30 LP
MediumBuy a Pyre ShipLight a Barbarian Pyre Ship.30 LP
MediumSteal from a Fur StallSteal from a Fur Stall in Kandarin30 LP
MediumSteal from a Silver StallSteal from a Silver Stall in Kandarin30 LP
MediumSteal from a Spice StallSteal from a Spice Stall in Kandarin30 LP
HardPickpocket a HeroPickpocket any Hero.80 LP
HardComplete the Seers’ Village Agility CourseComplete a lap of the Seer’s Village Rooftop Agility Course.80 LP
HardEquip a Full Angler’s OutfitEquip a full set of Angler gear.80 LP
HardFletch 100 Maple Longbow (u) in KandarinFletch 100 Maple Lonwbow (u) in Kandarin.80 LP
HardCheck a grown Papaya Tree in the Gnome StrongholdCheck the health of a Papaya Tree you’ve grown in the Tree Gnome Stronghold.80 LP
HardDefeat a Mithril DragonDefeat a Mithril Dragon in the Ancient Cavern.80 LP
HardDefeat a Demonic GorillaDefeat a Demonic Gorilla in the Crash Site Cavern.80 LP
HardDefeat a Smoke DevilDefeat a Smoke Devil in the Smoke Devil Dungeon.80 LP
HardDefeat Cave KrakenDefeat a Cave Kraken in the Kraken Cove.80 LP
HardEquip a Trident of the SeasEquip a Trident of the Seas.80 LP
HardUse the Chivalry PrayerUse the Chivalry Prayer.80 LP
HardDefeat the Kraken Boss 50 timesDefeat the Kraken boss in Kraken Cove 50 times.80 LP
HardDefeat the Kraken Boss 150 TimesDefeat the Kraken boss in Kraken Cove 150 times.80 LP
HardDefeat 150 Demonic GorillasDefeat 150 Demonic Gorillas in the Crash Site Cavern.80 LP
HardComplete Elemental Workshop IIComplete the Elemental Workshop II quest.80 LP
HardDefeat the Penance QueenDefeat the Penance Queen in Barbarian Assault.80 LP
HardEquip an Ogre Expert Chompy HatEquip an Ogre Expert Chompy Hat.80 LP
HardEquip a Karamja Monkey BackpackEquip a Karmja Monkey Backpack.80 LP
HardComplete the Hard Kandarin DiaryComplete all of the hard tasks in the Kandarin Achievement Diary.80 LP
HardComplete the Hard Ardougne DiaryComplete all of the hard tasks in the Ardougne Achievement Diary.80 LP
HardTrade in Crown of swords hidesTrade in a cat for death runes in Ardougne.80 LP
HardKill a FrogeelKill a Frogeel underneath the Tower of Life.80 LP
HardKill a JubsterKill a Jubster underneath the Tower of Life.80 LP
HardScore a Goal in GnomeballScore a Goal in Gnomeball.80 LP
HardEquip a Warped SceptreObtain and Equip a Warped Sceptre.80 LP
HardComplete Path of GlouphrieComplete the Path of Glouphrie quest.80 LP
HardFeed LongrambleDeliver some Tangled Toads Legs to Longramble.80 LP
HardGet 750 Target pointsAchieve 750 points in the Target minigame in the Ranging Guild.80 LP
HardPickpocket a King WormPickpocket a gnome for King Worm.80 LP
HardTrade in 1000 WormsTrade in 1000 Minnows in the Fishing guild.80 LP
EliteTravel Between Your Spirit TreesTravel between any two Spirit Trees that you’ve grown.200 LP
EliteComplete the Ardougne Agility CourseComplete a lap of the Ardougne Rooftop Agility Course.200 LP
EliteCatch 150 Red Chinchompas in KandarinCatch 150 Red Chinchompas in Kandarin.200 LP
EliteCheck a grown Dragonfruit Tree in CatherbyCheck the health of a Dragonfruit Tree you’ve grown in Catherby.200 LP
EliteEquip Some Zenyte JewelryEquip any piece of Zenyte Jewelry200 LP
EliteEquip a Heavy BallistaEquip a Heavy Ballista.200 LP
EliteEquip a Fighter TorsoEquip a Fighter Torso.200 LP
EliteEquip an Abyssal TentacleEquip an Abyssal Tentacle.200 LP
EliteEquip an Occult NecklaceEquip an Occult Necklace.200 LP
EliteUse the Piety PrayerUse the Piety prayer.200 LP
EliteDefeat the Kraken Boss 300 TimesDefeat the Kraken Boss in Kraken Cove 300 times.200 LP
EliteDefeat 300 Demonic GorillasDefeat 300 Demonic Gorillas int he Crash Site Cavern.200 LP
EliteDefeat 500 Demonic GorillasDefeat 500 Demonic Gorillas int he Crash Site Cavern.200 LP
EliteReach level Final in Barbarian Assault RoleReach level 5 in any Barbarian Assault Role.200 LP
EliteEquip a Maniacal Monkey BackpackEquip a Maniacal Monkey Backpack.200 LP
EliteComplete the Elite Kandarin DiaryComplete all of the elite tasks in the Kandarin Achievement Diary.200 LP
EliteComplete the Elite Ardougne DiaryComplete all of the elite tasks in the Ardougne Achievement Diary.200 LP
EliteEquip a Light BallistaEquip a Light Ballista.200 LP
EliteGet 1000 Target pointsAchieve 1000 points in the Target minigame in the Ranging Guild.200 LP
EliteBarehand catch a SharkBarehand catch a Shark.200 LP
MasterEquip All Zenyte JewelryEquip every piece of Zenyte Jewelry.400 LP
MasterEnhanced a Trident of the SeasEnhance a Trident of the Seas.400 LP
MasterEquip a Dragon Full HelmEquip a Dragon Full Helm.400 LP

Karamja Tasks

There are 54 total League Tasks in the Region of Kharidian Desert in the Raging Echoes league comprised of the following tasks for each difficulty:

  • 5 Easy tasks (10 League Points each)
  • 17 Medium tasks (30 League Points each)
  • 13 Hard tasks (80 League Points each)
  • 12 Elite tasks (200 League Points each)
  • 7 Master tasks (400 League Points each)
EasyReceive an Agility Arena TicketReceive an Agility Arena Ticket from the Brimhaven Agility Arena.10 LP
EasyCatch a KarambwanjiCatch a Karambwanji on Karamja.10 LP
EasyFill a Crate With BananasFill a crate with Banas for Luthas at Musa Point.10 LP
EasyPick a Pineapple on KaramjaPick a Pineapple on Karamja.10 LP
EasyKill a Snake in KaramjaKill a Snake in Karamja.10 LP
MediumBuy a Snapdragon From Pirate Jackie the FruitBuy a Snapdragon From Pirate Jackie the Fruit in Brimhaven.30 LP
MediumTake a Shortcut Across the Shilo Village RiverUse the Stepping Stones Agility Shortcut in Shilo Village.30 LP
MediumCatch a Salmon on KaramjaCatch a Salmon on Karamja.30 LP
MediumCatch 50 KarambwanCatch 50 Karambwan on Karamja.30 LP
MediumCraft 50 Nature RunesCraft 50 Nature Runes from Essence at the Nature Altar.30 LP
MediumDefeat a TzHaarDefeat any TzHaar in Mor Ul Rek.30 LP
MediumEquip an Obsidian CapeEquip an Obsidian Cape.30 LP
MediumEquip a Toktz-Ket-XilEquip a Toktz-Ket-Xil.30 LP
MediumDefeat a Greater Demon on KaramjaDefeat a Greater Demon on Karamja.30 LP
MediumEquip a Toktz-Xil-AkEquip a Toktz-Xil-Ak.30 LP
MediumEquip a Toktz-Xil-EkEquip a Toktz-Xil-Ek.30 LP
MediumDefeat a Steel Dragon on KaramjaDefeat a Steel Dragon on Karamja.30 LP
MediumComplete the Easy Karamja DiaryComplete all of the easy tasks in the Karamja Achievement Diary.30 LP
MediumComplete the Medium Karamja DiaryComplete all of the medium tasks in the Karamja Achievement Diary.30 LP
MediumEnter the Tai Bwo Wannai Hardwood GroveEnter the Hardwood Grove in Tai Bwo Wannai.30 LP
MediumEnter the Brimhaven DungeonEnter the Brimhaven Dungeon.30 LP
MediumSleep in Paranova InnPay the barkeep to sleep in Paramaya Inn, in Shilo Village.30 LP
HardCook 100 KarambwansCook 100 Karambwan.80 LP
HardReceive 30 Agility Arena Tickets With No MistakesReceive 30 Agility Arena Tickets without missing any pillars.80 LP
HardCheck a grown Calquat TreeCheck the health of a Calquat Tree you’ve grown on Karamja.80 LP
HardEquip a Full Obsidian Armour SetEquip a full set of Obsidian armour.80 LP
HardSurvive a Hit From TzTok-Jad Without PrayerSurvive a Magic or Ranged hit from TzTok-Jad in the TzHaar Fight Cave without using a protection prayer.80 LP
HardEquip Some Dragon Platelegs or a Dragon PlateskirtEquip either some Dragon Platelegs or a Dragon Plateskirt.80 LP
HardComplete the Hard Karamja DiaryComplete all of the hard tasks in the Karamja Achievement Diary.80 LP
HardEquip a Red Topaz MacheteEquip a Red Topaz Machete.80 LP
HardFind a Gout TuberFind a Gout Tuber in Tai Bwo Wannai.80 LP
HardComplete TzHaar-Ket-Rak’s first challengeComplete Tzhaar-Ket-Rak’s first challenge.80 LP
HardComplete TzHaar-Ket-Rak’s second challengeComplete Tzhaar-Ket-Rak’s second challenge.80 LP
HardComplete TzHaar-Ket-Rak’s third challengeComplete Tzhaar-Ket-Rak’s third challenge.80 LP
HardCook 20 Karambwans in a rowCollect 20 Karambwans in a row without burning them.80 LP
EliteEquip a Fire CapeEquip a Fire Cape.200 LP
EliteSacrifice a Fire Cape to Access the InfernoSacrifice a Fire Cape to access the Inferno in Mor Ul Rek.200 LP
EliteComplete the Fight Caves 5 TimesComplete the TzHaar Fight Cave in Mor Ul Rek 5 times.200 LP
EliteComplete the Fight Caves 10 TimesComplete the TzHaar Fight Cave in Mor Ul Rek 10 times.200 LP
EliteComplete the Inferno 5 TimesComplete the Inferno in Mor Ul Rek 5 times.200 LP
EliteComplete the Inferno 10 TimesComplete the Inferno in Mor Ul Rek 10 times.200 LP
EliteComplete the Elite Karamja DiaryComplete all of the elite tasks in the Karamja Achievement Diary.200 LP
ElitePurchase an Onyx in Mor Ul RekPurchase an Onyx from an Ore and Gem Store in Mor Ul Rek.200 LP
EliteComplete TzHaar-Ket-Rak’s fourth challengeComplete Tzhaar-Ket-Rak’s fourth challenge.200 LP
EliteComplete TzHaar-Ket-Rak’s fifth challengeComplete Tzhaar-Ket-Rak’s fifth challenge.200 LP
EliteComplete TzHaar-Ket-Rak’s sixth challengeComplete Tzhaar-Ket-Rak’s sixth challenge.200 LP
ElitePay Saniboch for Permanent AccessPay Saniboch for Permanent Access into his dungeon.200 LP
MasterEquip an Infernal CapeEquip an Infernal Cape.400 LP
MasterComplete Inferno 15 TimesComplete the Inferno in Mor Ul Rek 15 times.400 LP
MasterThe Inferno Combat AchievementsComplete all of the Combat Achievements for The Inferno.400 LP
MasterThe Fight Caves Combat AchievementsComplete all of the Combat Achievements for The Fight Caves.400 LP
MasterTzHaar-Ket-Rak’s Combat AchievementsComplete all of the Combat Achievements for TzHaar-Ket-Rak’s Challenges.400 LP
MasterComplete TzHaar-Ket-Rak’s Special challengeComplete Tzhaar-Ket-Rek’s league-only challenge.400 LP
MasterEquip a Pirate HookEquip a Pirate Hook from Brimhaven Agility Arena.400 LP

Kharidian Desert Tasks

There are 112 total League Tasks in the Region of Kharidian Desert in the Raging Echoes league comprised of the following tasks for each difficulty:

  • 15 Easy tasks (10 League Points each)
  • 39 Medium tasks (30 League Points each)
  • 34 Hard tasks (80 League Points each)
  • 19 Elite tasks (200 League Points each)
  • 5 Master tasks (400 League Points each)
EasyRoom 1 of Pyramid PlunderSearch the Golden CHest in Room 1 of Pyramid Plunder in Sophanem.10 LP
EasyRoom 2 of Pyramid PlunderSearch the Golden Chest in Room 2 of Pyramid Plunder in Sophanem.10 LP
EasyRoom 3 of Pyramid PlunderSearch the Golden Chest in Room 3 of Pyramid Plunder in Sophanem.10 LP
EasyPick a Winter Sq’irkPick a Winter Sq’irk in the Sorceress’s Garden.10 LP
EasyTurn in a Winter Sq’irkjuice to OsmanTurn in a Winter Sq’irk juice to Osman in Al Kharid.10 LP
EasyComplete the Al Kharid Agility CourseComplete a lap of the Al Kharid Rooftop Agility Course.10 LP
EasyCraft a Fire RuneCraft a Fire Rune from Essence at the Fire Altar.10 LP
EasyUse the Bank in NardahUse the bank in Nardah.10 LP
EasyEnter the Kalphite LairEnter the Kalphite Lair.10 LP
EasyTake a Carpet Ride from Pollnivneach to SophanemTake a carpet ride from Pollnivneach to Sophanem.10 LP
Easy1 Tempoross KillHelp the Spirit Anglers subdue the Tempoross.10 LP
EasySet a mummy ablazeSet a Mummy on Fire with fire damage.10 LP
EasyCatch a SalmonCatch a Salmon in the Desert.10 LP
EasyDrink some of Ali’s teaDrink a cup of tea in Ali the Tea Seller’s house.10 LP
EasyKill a Billy GoatKill a Billy Goat.10 LP
MediumRoom 4 of Pyramid PlunderSearch the Golden Chest in Room 4 of Pyramid Plunder in Sophanem.30 LP
MediumRoom 5 of Pyramid PlunderSearch the Golden Chest in Room 5 of Pyramid Plunder in Sophanem.30 LP
MediumRoom 6 of Pyramid PlunderSearch the Golden Chest in Room 6 of Pyramid Plunder in Sophanem.30 LP
MediumPick a Spring Sq’irkPick a Spring Sq’irk in the Sorceress’s Garden.30 LP
MediumPick a Autumn Sq’irkPick a Autumn Sq’irk in the Sorceress’s Garden.30 LP
MediumTurn in 10 Spring Sq’irkjuices to OsmanTurn in 10 Spring Sq’irk juices to Osman in Al Kharid in one go.30 LP
MediumPickpocket a Bandit in the Bandit CampPickpocket a Bandit in the Kharidian Desert’s Bandit Camp.30 LP
MediumTurn in a Pyramid Top to Simon TempletonTurn in a Pyramid Top to Simon Templeton at the Agility Pyramid.30 LP
MediumCraft a Lava Rune at the Fire AltarCraft a Lava Rune at the Fire Altar.30 LP
MediumCatch 30 Orange SalamandersCatch 30 Orange Salamanders at Uzer.30 LP
MediumMine 30 Chunks of GraniteMine 30 chunks of Granit at the Kharidian Desert Quarry.30 LP
MediumDefeat a Kalphite GuardianDefeat a Kalphite Guardian in the Kharidian Desert.30 LP
MediumCast Ice RushCast the Ice Rush spell.30 LP
MediumComplete the Easy Desert DiaryComplete all of the easy tasks in the Desert Achievement Diary.30 LP
MediumComplete the Medium Desert DiaryComplete all of the medium tasks in the Desert Achievement Diary.30 LP
MediumComplete Spirits of the ElidComplete the Spirits of the Elid quest.30 LP
MediumPray at the Elidinis StatuettePray at the Elidinis Statuette in Nardah.30 LP
MediumComplete Shadow of the StormComplete the Shadow of the Storm quest.30 LP
MediumComplete The GolemComplete The Golem quest.30 LP
MediumDefeat a CrocodileDefeat a Crocodile in the Kharidian Desert.30 LP
MediumMake a Combat PotionMake a Combat Potion.30 LP
Medium10 Tempoross KillsHelp the Spirit Anglers subdue the Tempoross 10 times.30 LP
MediumGuardians of the Rift: Get 1 rift closedClose the Rift in the Temple of the Eye.30 LP
MediumGuardians of the Rift: 10 rifts closedClose the Rift in the Temple of the Eye 10 times.30 LP
MediumGiants’ Foundry: 50 quality swordHand in a sword with at least 50 quality in Giants’ Foundry.30 LP
MediumGiants’ Foundry: 100 quality swordHand in a sword with at least 100 quality in Giants’ Foundry30 LP
MediumGiants’ Foundry: 10 handinsHand in 10 successful swords to Kovac.30 LP
MediumKill a Kalphite with the Keris PartisanKill a Kalphite with the Keris Partisan.30 LP
MediumCreate the Divine Range potionCreate the Divine Rune pouch.30 LP
MediumEquip the Colossal BladeObtain and Equip the Colossal Blade from Giant’s Foundry.30 LP
MediumObtain the Big HarpoonfishObtain the Big Harpoonfish from Tempoross.30 LP
MediumEquip the Tome of WaterObtain and Equip the Tome of Water from Tempoross.30 LP
MediumCommune a Pharaoh’s Sceptre to the NecropolisCommune a Pharaoh’s Sceptre to the Necropolis.30 LP
MediumComplete Sleeping GiantsComplete Sleeping Giants quest.30 LP
MediumStun a monsterUse a blackjack to stun a monster.30 LP
MediumKill 10 LocustsKill 10 Locusts.30 LP
MediumMine 15 Granite in the NecropolisMine 15 Granite in the Necropolis.30 LP
MediumCraft some Pottery in SophanemCraft some Pottery in Sophanem.30 LP
MediumKill 30 BanditsKill 30 Bandits.30 LP
HardSmith 1,000 Adamant Dart TipsUse an Anvile to smith 1,000 Adamant Dart Tips.80 LP
HardRoom 7 of Pyramid PlunderSearch the Golden Chest in Room 7 of Pyramid Plunder in Sophanem.80 LP
HardRoom 8 of Pyramid PlunderSearch the Golden Chest in Room 8 of Pyramid Plunder in Sophanem.80 LP
HardRoom 8 of Pyramid Plunder 25 TimesSearch the Golden Chest in Room 7 of Pyramid Plunder in Sophanem 25 times.80 LP
HardPick a Summer Sq’irkPick a Summer Sq’irk in the Sorceress’s Garden.80 LP
HardTurn in 25 Autumn Sq’irk juices to OsmanTurn in 25 Autum Sq’irk juices to Osman in Al Kharid in one go.80 LP
HardPickpocket a Menaphite Thug 50 TimesKnock out and then pickpocket a Menaphite Thug 50 times.80 LP
HardMake 20 Magic PotionsMake 20 Magic Potions.80 LP
HardCheck a grown Potato CactusCheck the health of a Potato Cactus you’ve grown in Al Kharid.80 LP
HardDefeat the Kalphite QueenDefeat the Kalphite Queen in the Kalphite Lair.80 LP
HardCast Ice BurstCast the Ice Burst spell.80 LP
HardCast Ice BlitzCast the Ice Blitz spell.80 LP
HardDefeat the Kalphite Queen 50 TimesDefeat the Kalphite Queen in the Kalphite Lair 50 times.80 LP
HardDefeat the Kalphite Queen 150 TimesDefeat the Kalphite Queen in the Kalphite Lair 150 times.80 LP
HardEquip a Dragon 2-Handed SwordEquip a Dragon 2-Handed Sword in the Kharidian Desert.80 LP
HardComplete the Hard Desert DiaryComplete all of the hard tasks in the Desert Achievement Diary.80 LP
Hard25 Tempoross KillsHelp the Spirit Anglers subdue the Tempoross 25 times.80 LP
HardDefeat LeviathanDefeat Leviathan.80 LP
HardDefeat Leviathan 50 timesDefeat Leviathan 50 times.80 LP
HardDefeat Leviathan 150 timesDefeat Leviathan 150 times.80 LP
HardComplete Tombs of AmascutComplete Tombs of Amascut on normal or Expert.80 LP
HardComplete Tombs of Amascut 25 timesComplete Tombs of Amascut on normal or Expert 25 times.80 LP
HardGuardians of the Rift 25 Rifts closedClose the Rift in the Temple of the Eye 25 times.80 LP
HardGiants’ Foundry 150 quality swordHand in a sword with at least 150 quality in Giants’ Foundry.80 LP
HardGiants’ Foundry 25 handinsHand in 25 successful swords to Kovac.80 LP
HardGiants’ Foundry 50 handinsHand in 50 successful swords to Kovac.80 LP
HardEquip the LightbearerObtain and Equip the Lightbearer.80 LP
HardCreate the Colossal Rune PouchCreate the Colossal Rune Pouch from Guardians of the Rift.80 LP
HardEquip the Abyssal LanternObtain and Equip the Abyssal Lantern.80 LP
HardEquip a full set of the Smith’s outfitEquip a full set of the Smith’s outfit, purchased from the Giant’s Foundry minigame.80 LP
HardObtain the Fish BarrelObtain the Fish Barrel from Tempoross.80 LP
HardMake 50 Menaphite RemediesMake 50 Menaphite Remedies.80 LP
HardComplete Beneath Cursed SandsComplete Beneath Cursed Sands quests.80 LP
HardHave Drew create 500 bucketsCreate 500 buckets of sand at Drew’s sandstorm machine.80 LP
EliteTurn in 50 Summer Sq’irk juices to OsmanTurn in 50 Summer Sq’irk juices to Osman in Al Kharid.200 LP
EliteEquip a Dragon Chainbody in the Kharidian DesertEquip a Dragon Chainbody in the Kharidian Desert.200 LP
EliteCast Ice BarrageCast the Ice Barrage spell.200 LP
EliteComplete the Elite Desert DiaryComplete all of the elite tasks in the Desert Achievement Diary.200 LP
EliteEquip a Piece of the Infinity Robe SetEquip any piece of the Infinity Robe set.200 LP
EliteCraft a Ghorrock Teleport TabletCraft a Ghorrock Teleport Tablet.200 LP
EliteSmith 10,000 Rune Dart TipsUse an Anvil to smith 1,000 Rune Dart Tips.200 LP
EliteDefeat Leviathan 300 timesDefeat Leviathan 300 times.200 LP
EliteDefeat Awakened LeviathanDefeat Awakened Leviathan.200 LP
EliteComplete Tombs of Amascut 50 timesComplete Tombs of Amascut on normal or Expert 50 times.200 LP
EliteComplete Tombs of Amascut 100 timesComplete Tombs of Amascut on normal or Expert 100 times.200 LP
EliteHit 150 with the Keris PartisanHit 150 damage or more with the Keris Partisan.200 LP
EliteEquip the Venator RingObtain and Equip the Venator Ring.200 LP
EliteEquip the Elidinis WardObtain and Equip the Eidinis Ward.200 LP
EliteEquip a Piece of Masori ArmourEquip either a Masori Mask, a Masori Body or some Masori chaps.200 LP
EliteEquip Osmumten’s FangObtain and Equip Osmuten’s Fang.200 LP
EliteEquip a full set of Raiment of the eyeEquip a full set of the Raiment of the Eye outfit, purchased from the Guardians of the Rift minigame.200 LP
EliteFletch 200 Dragon DartsFletch 200 Dragon Darts.200 LP
EliteThe Leviathan Combat AchievementsComplete all of the Combat Achievements for the Leviathan.200 LP
MasterEquip a Full Infinity Robe SetEquip a full set of Infinity robes.400 LP
MasterEquip a Full set of MasoriObtain and Equip Masori Mask, Body and chaps.400 LP
MasterEquip Osmumten’s Fang (or)Obtain and Equip Osmuten’s Fang (or).400 LP
MasterEquip the Tumeken’s ShadowObtain and Equip the Tumeken’s Shadow.400 LP
MasterTombs of Amascut Combat AchievementsComplete all of the Combat AChievements for Tombs of Amascut.400 LP

Kourend Tasks

There are 112 total League Tasks in the Region of Kharidian Desert in the Raging Echoes league comprised of the following tasks for each difficulty:

  • 5 Easy tasks (10 League Points each)
  • 17 Medium tasks (30 League Points each)
  • 13 Hard tasks (80 League Points each)
  • 12 Elite tasks (200 League Points each)
  • 7 Master tasks (400 League Points each)
Easy1 Wintertodt kill10 LP
EasyComplete 1 Farming Contract10 LP
Easy1 Sarachnis kill10 LP
EasyOpen 1 Grubby Chest10 LP
EasyTurn in 1 Library Book10 LP
EasyBank at Land’s End10 LP
EasyBank at Mount Quidamortem10 LP
EasyTravel to Molch Island10 LP
EasyDrink a Super Snwcker10 LP
EasyEquip a Protest Banner10 LP
EasyBrutally murder Conrad King10 LP
EasyKill a Barbarian in Kourend10 LP
EasyUse the Mine cart transportation System10 LP
EasyEat a field Kebab10 LP
EasyRepair a Fishing Crane10 LP
Medium10 Wintertodt Kills30 LP
Medium25 Wintertodt Kills30 LP
MediumComplete 10 Farming Contracts30 LP
MediumSteal a Golovanova Fruit Top30 LP
MediumPlant 100 Golovanova Seeds30 LP
MediumEnter the Farming Guild’s Mid Tier30 LP
MediumEnter the Woodcutting Guild30 LP
Medium50 Lizardmen Shaman kills30 LP
Medium150 Lizardmen Shaman kills30 LP
Medium50 Sarachnis kills30 LP
MediumTeleport to Xeric’s Honour30 LP
MediumKourend and Kebos Easy Diary Tasks30 LP
MediumKourend and Kebos Medium Diary Tasks30 LP
MediumSteal 1 Artefact30 LP
MediumSteal 15 Artefacts30 LP
MediumTurn in 10 Library Books30 LP
MediumEquip Xeric’s Talisman30 LP
MediumCast Kourend Castle Teleport30 LP
MediumPurchase a Seed Box30 LP
MediumDefeat a Drake30 LP
MediumCast a Demonic spell on Skrah30 LP
MediumInferior Demonbane demon kill30 LP
MediumSmell something in a volcanic fissure30 LP
MediumOffer an egg to a shrine30 LP
MediumMake 50 Oak Planks in Kourend30 LP
MediumEquip the Cursed Amulet of Magic30 LP
MediumKill a King Sand Crab30 LP
MediumKill 5 Sand Crabs30 LP
MediumDig 25 Saltpetre30 LP
MediumChop 25 Juniper Logs30 LP
MediumCreate 100 Juniper Charcoal30 LP
MediumCapture 10 Sand Worms30 LP
MediumComplete the Shayzien Basic Agility Course30 LP
MediumOpen 15 Keys on Shayzien30 LP
MediumSmith Steel in Kourend Castle30 LP
MediumRestore 10 Prayer points in Hosidius30 LP
MediumKill a Moss, Fire & Hill Giant in Kourend30 LP
MediumTalk to the Voice of Yama30 LP
MediumComplete the Gardener of Death30 LP
MediumMine 50 Volcanic Sulphur30 LP
MediumSmith Shayzien (1)30 LP
Hard50 Wintertodt Kills80 LP
HardComplete 50 Farming Contracts80 LP
HardPlant 100 Bologano Seeds80 LP
HardPlant 100 Logavano Seeds80 LP
HardEnter the Farming Guild’s High Tier80 LP
HardObtain Runite Ore at the Blast Mine80 LP
Hard300 Lizardmen Shaman Kills80 LP
Hard150 Sarachnis Kills80 LP
Hard300 Sarachnis Kills80 LP
Hard1 Skotizo Kill80 LP
Hard10 Skotizo Kills80 LP
Hard1 Alchemical Hydra Kill80 LP
Hard50 Alchemical Hydra Kills80 LP
Hard150 Alchemical Hydra Kills80 LP
Hard1 Chambers of Xeric80 LP
Hard25 Chambers of Xeric80 LP
Hard50 Chambers of Xeric80 LP
HardEquip Boots of Brimstone80 LP
HardEquip a Dust Battlestaff80 LP
HardEquip Ferocious Gloves80 LP
HardEquip a Brimstone Ring80 LP
HardKourend and Kebos Hard Diary Tasks80 LP
Hard1 Mimic Kill80 LP
Hard5 Mimic Kills80 LP
HardEquip Tier 5 Shayzien Armour80 LP
HardEquip the Pyromancer’s Garb80 LP
HardEquip a Fish Sack80 LP
HardActivate an Arcane or Dexterous Prayer Scroll80 LP
HardEquip a Sarachnis Cudgel80 LP
HardPlant an Anima Seed80 LP
HardChop 200 Redwood Logs80 LP
HardBurn 200 Redwood Logs80 LP
HardFletch a Redwood Shield80 LP
HardCraft 100 Blood runes80 LP
HardComplete the Shayzien Advanced Agility Course80 LP
HardHarvest 25 Zamorak’s Grapes80 LP
HardCreate 10 Dynamite80 LP
HardDefeat a Gang Boss80 LP
EliteCheck a grown Redwood Tree200 LP
Elite300 Alchemical Hydra Kills200 LP
Elite100 Chambers of Xeric200 LP
EliteEquip a Dragon Warhammer200 LP
EliteEquip a Dragon Hunter Lance200 LP
EliteEquip an Elder Maul200 LP
EliteEquip a Kodai Wand200 LP
EliteKourend and Kebos Elite Diary Tasks200 LP
EliteEquip a Golden Tench200 LP
EliteEquip a Dragon Hunter Crossbow200 LP
EliteEquip a Twisted Buckler200 LP
EliteEquip Dinh’s Bulwark200 LP
EliteEquip any Ancestral piece200 LP
EliteEquip a pair of Dragon Claws200 LP
EliteRecolour a piece of the Ancestral Robes200 LP
EliteEquip a Bonecrusher necklace200 LP
EliteCook 1000 Anglerfish200 LP
EliteChop 5000 Redwood logs200 LP
EliteAlchemical Hydra Combat Achievements200 LP
EliteCraft 100 Soul runes200 LP
EliteCatch 150 Anglerfish200 LP
EliteSmith Shayzien (5)200 LP
MasterEquip a Twisted Bow400 LP
MasterEquip a Full set of Ancestral400 LP
MasterChambers of Xeric Combat Achievements400 LP

Misthalin Tasks

There are 103 total League Tasks in the Region of Kharidian Desert in the Raging Echoes league comprised of the following tasks for each difficulty:

  • 32 Easy tasks (10 League Points each)
  • 43 Medium tasks (30 League Points each)
  • 16 Hard tasks (80 League Points each)
  • 12 Elite tasks (200 League Points each)
  • 0 Master tasks (400 League Points each)
EasyDefeat the Lesser Demon in the Wizards’ Tower10 LP
EasyEnter Zanaris10 LP
EasyTravel to Fossil Island10 LP
EasyUse a Fairy Ring10 LP
EasyComplete the Natural History Quiz10 LP
EasyPet the Museum Camp dog10 LP
EasyHave a fed make out some rope10 LP
EasyChop a log from a potato tree10 LP
EasyHave a Bish tell you a story10 LP
EasyPan for an Uncut Jade10 LP
EasySlash a web in Varrock sewers10 LP
EasyComplete the Varrock Agility Course10 LP
EasyUpset the homeless10 LP
EasyKill a Spider in Lumbridge10 LP
EasyKill a Cow in one hit10 LP
EasyKill a Rat10 LP
EasyTalk to Hans10 LP
EasyAsk for a Quest from Bob10 LP
EasyKill a Ram10 LP
EasyKill a Chicken with your fists10 LP
EasyEquip an Iron dagger10 LP
EasyEat an Onion10 LP
EasyKill a duck with a fire spell10 LP
EasyKill an imp with an earth spell10 LP
EasyKill a Frog10 LP
EasyPick a Cabbage in Varrock10 LP
EasyUse the northern Staircase in Lumbridge10 LP
EasyStroke your cat10 LP
EasyGet a haircut10 LP
EasyDrink a beer in the Longhall10 LP
EasyKill a Barbarian in the Barbarian Village10 LP
EasyTake a canoe to Champions Guild10 LP
MediumDismantle 20 Filled Bird Houses30 LP
MediumCatch 50 Implings in Puro-Puro30 LP
MediumComplete a Volcanic Mine Game30 LP
MediumUse the Range in Lumbridge Castle30 LP
MediumEnter the Cooks’ Guild30 LP
MediumPickpocket a H.A.M Member30 LP
MediumPickpocket a Varrock Guard30 LP
MediumPickpocket a Bullseye Lantern from a Cave Goblin30 LP
MediumCraft 50 Unfinished Runes30 LP
MediumCraft 50 Cosmic Runes30 LP
MediumChop a Sulluscep Cap30 LP
MediumDefeat a Fossil Island Uvern30 LP
MediumDefeat Obor30 LP
MediumDefeat Bryophyta30 LP
MediumEquip a Dorgeshuun Crossbow30 LP
MediumComplete the Easy Varrock Diary30 LP
MediumComplete the Medium Varrock Diary30 LP
MediumWin a Game of Soul Wars30 LP
MediumEquip the Forestry Basket30 LP
MediumChurn some butter30 LP
MediumOpen the Dark Chest30 LP
MediumComplete the Varrock Agility Course30 LP
MediumEat 15 sushi30 LP
MediumMake a pie for Romily30 LP
MediumGet a Gem from a Gizark30 LP
MediumProvide Terry a buckle30 LP
MediumSlay 25 Pure Essence30 LP
MediumDefeat Scorpius30 LP
MediumDefeat Zombies, 10 times30 LP
MediumDefeat a Tormented Demon30 LP
MediumDefeat 50 Tormented Demons30 LP
MediumEquip a Rat Bone Weapon30 LP
HardSet up a Magic Bird House80 LP
HardCatch a Herbiboar 50 times80 LP
HardCheck a grown Magic Tree in Lumbridge80 LP
HardUse Enchanted Bones on the Strange Machine80 LP
HardEquip a Hill Giant Club80 LP
HardEquip Bryophyta’s Staff80 LP
HardDefeat the Abyssal Sire80 LP
HardOffer an Unsliced to the Font of Consumption80 LP
HardComplete the Hard Lumbridge & Draynor Diary80 LP
HardComplete the Hard Varrock Diary80 LP
HardSrunulus Combat Achievements80 LP
HardEquip a Zombie axe80 LP
HardDefeat 150 Tormented Demons80 LP
HardDefeat 300 Tormented Demons80 LP
HardEquip Infernal Claws80 LP
HardEquip a Tormented Weapon80 LP
EliteCatch a Herbiboar 150 times200 LP
EliteMine 6 Runite Ore Fragments200 LP
EliteEquip a Dragonfire Shield200 LP
EliteEquip an Ancient Wyvern Shield200 LP
EliteEquip an Abyssal Bludgeon200 LP
EliteEquip an Abyssal Dagger200 LP
EliteDefeat the Abyssal Sire 50 Times200 LP
EliteDefeat the Abyssal Sire 150 Times200 LP
EliteDefeat the Abyssal Sire 300 Times200 LP
EliteComplete the Elite Lumbridge & Draynor Diary200 LP
EliteComplete the Elite Varrock Diary200 LP
EliteAbyssal Sire Combat Achievements200 LP

Morytania Tasks

There are 101 total League Tasks in the Region of Kharidian Desert in the Raging Echoes league comprised of the following tasks for each difficulty:

  • 32 Easy tasks (10 League Points each)
  • 43 Medium tasks (30 League Points each)
  • 16 Hard tasks (80 League Points each)
  • 12 Elite tasks (200 League Points each)
  • 0 Master tasks (400 League Points each)

*This list is still being updated.