Netflix Instant Watch on 360 saps 2,853 years worth of productivity

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And that’s in under three months time!

Microsoft has released some seemingly impressive numbers regarding the usage of Netflix Instant Watch on 360 consoles. Since the service’s launch in late November of 2008, over 1.5 billion minutes of video content has been streamed. Staggering, isn’t it?

Well, it’s less impressive when you consider the other statistic they’re flaunting: Number of users. According to the Big M, the Netflix application has been downloaded by a million people to date. So, if you operate under the assumption that everyone is actually using the thing that they downloaded and factor in the number of days the service has been available (78), that works out to the average user spending about half an hour each day watching movies and TV shows. And that makes me feel a little better about the human race.

There may also be some cross-pollination going on between Instant Watch and the Video Marketplace as well. Microsoft has stated that their own video downloads are up 174% from December 2008 to January 2009.

How much time are you spending on Netflix streaming videos?

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