Brochure reveals more info on This is Vegas’ fictional Las Vegas

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Sitting in my mailbox this morning was a suspicious, plain white envelope which contained a “This is Vegas 2008 Tourist Guide.” Courtesy of Midway, the fold-out brochure and map reveals a bit more about the world and tone of the recently announced open-world title, This Is Vegas.

The map reveals that the game’s world will not be a one-for-one of real world Las Vegas, but rather a reasonable facsimile that takes generous creative liberties (much like Rockstar’s Liberty City to New York City). Littered across the strip are what will become the game’s landmarks, with casinos like Big Top, the Mayan, The Avalon, and the Olympus Casino (the latter of which is an obvious nod to Caesar’s Palace). The also notes that there are four districts: the Strip (where tourists go to gamble, eat, and be entertained), Freemont and Paradise (home to numerous pawn shops), and Naked City (“where tourists of low moral fiber can engage in dangerous, illegal, sexy activities not condoned by this brochure.”).

Read more after the jump. 

Forty-seven different locations and landmarks are detailed on the map, including banks, restaurants, hotels/motels, and more. It’s obvious that This Is Vegas will attempt to offer enough variety in terms of activities, as well — it’s interesting to note that the map key has icons for both massage parlors and “massage” parlors, if you get their drift, you filthy dog. I don’t know why I’m going on about all of this, actually — you can view the map online here.

The brochure also hints at some other potential game elements, including underground fighting, marriage, and more. There are also a number of references to “Boyercorp,” which is likely run by some no-good bad-dude whose last name is “Boyer.” I bet that dude’s really evil … but that’s only a guess. Check the gallery for a few scans from the brochure. (For the record, there were also pictures of female breasts, but I didn’t scan those. Sorry.)

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