Zero Suit Samus enjoys her downtime in upcoming art book

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Last summer, artist Chris Furniss posted a piece of Samus art a day for a whole month, depicting ol’ Sammy out of her armor and enjoying her day-to-day activities when she’s not out patrolling the galaxy. It’s a candid glimpse into the life of just an ordinary gal — she surfs the Web, visits the laundromat, hangs out with friends, and enjoys the great outdoors. Very sweet indeed!

Since finishing “31 Days of Zero Suit Samus,” Chris has wanted to gather all the days into a compilation book. Plans are finally underway, and he’s even going to include some extra pieces. In addition, a few other web artists will be contributing to the book as well, such as the always jubilant Ashley Davis, Maré Odomo, Zac Gorman, and Ted Martens. They’re showing a lot love for our favorite bounty hunter, even if some aren’t following the “Zero Suit Samus” theme (for shame!).

In the gallery, I’ve posted the current contributions as well as a selection of Chris’ originals. Hit up his site to check out the remainders.

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