Yu Suzuki, creator of the beloved Shenmue series, believes that his studio could finagle the rights away from SEGA. If possible, he could finally make the Shenmue III that fans have ached for over the years.
“Shenmue’s license is an IP that belongs to SEGA,” he said. “We can obtain the license from SEGA.”
Suzuki said this during a lengthy interview with the Shenmue Master fansite, where he went into great detail about future story plans and character details. It would appear that he has Shenmue III all figured out … he just now needs the ability to make it.
Hopefully he does. It must be frustrating beyond belief to care so deeply about a creation that you no longer have any control over.
Yu Suzuki: We Can Obtain Shenmue License from SEGA [Spong]
Published: Jan 4, 2012 09:30 pm