People who didn’t grow up in the NES era are going to look at this and say “That looks like SH*T”. Technically, I guess they’re kind of right. Luckily, old folk like me know that the look is quite intentional, and that to see a company with the guts to release a game looking like this in 2008 is the sexiest thing I’ve seen all year. I love you so hard, Capcom.
Sadly you can’t technically buy this packaging, but Capcom whipped it up to send their pals in the press as a promotional tool. In other words, as soon as I finish this post, I am going to get my car and drive to Nick Chester’s house, hide in his bushes until UPS comes, and beat the everliving Christ out of that delivery man and steal the package. If Nick tries to intercept, I’ll destroy him too. DO YOU HEAR ME, CHESTER?
[Via Kotaku — Thanks, Adam]
Published: Sep 16, 2008 05:41 pm