(Editor’s Note: The above headline style is hilarious to me, so if you think I’m overusing it, please go to hell. — Nex)
On the latest episode of Podtoid, our own Rob “I have Kirby: Squeak Squad bedsheets” Summa proclaimed that he thought the PSP should have the same kind of tilt-sensitivity that the SIXAXIS does. Of course, he was widely shouted down and his car was later keyed, but it’s an interesting idea, nonetheless.
While no one actually likes the PSP enough to do something about it, one intrepid (read: virgin) fellow decided to whip up a plug and play tilt sensor for his DS and it actually works pretty well. Sadly, the reasons we shouted at Rob apply here too, such as having to turn the screen away from you to move. So while it’s not the sort of thing that Nintendo would likely build into a console, it’s still a cool little hack.
Also, I wanted to draw attention to the modded backlit buttons on that DS. Those things are bright enough to stun deer, but otherwise they are wicked cool. If anyone wants to hook me up with something like that for my black DS, I’ll be your BFF.
Published: Dec 19, 2006 01:02 am