I’m glad my country’s government doesn’t give a sh*t about what I play or how long I play it. Come to think of it, I wouldn’t be much of a case for “bad games” anyway, as aside from the occasional eroge (don’t judge me!), I only play those boring games where numbers come out of peoples heads.
China, on the other hand, has their hand in everything you do, even your gaming. World of Warcraft has relaunched there after a fair bit of downtime, but some new changes have been put in place. What kind of changes? Silly ones. Instead of piles of bones, now you’ll see sandbags. The blood color is now black, and not red. Pictures on MMOSite show other minor changes, like replacing bony looking arm and leg joints with black bands. What?
At least Chinese gamers can continue to get their WoW on. For a bit, at least, until the Man shuts them off for exceeding their daily gaming limit. Hmmm. Maybe that’s why China is a world financial power now.
[via Edge]
Published: Aug 7, 2009 10:40 am