Want more news about games the Japanese will be getting so you can salivate and pray that the gaming gods will shine their benevolent light on the project for international releases? Your wish is my command. Famitsu’s new issue has a page devoted to a White Knight Chronicles game for PSP.
The vigilant folks at andriasang have translated said page, and the contents suggest some major changes in store for the series. The story told in the PS3 games comes to a conclusion in the soon-to-be released White Knight Chronicles 2 and the PSP title sounds like it will be a completely separate affair, as suggested by the large text at the bottom of the page which reads, “And then, to a new world.”
I’m interested and always up for an excuse to flick on the old PSP. I don’t really have my hopes up that this one will come to the US, though. Hell, I’m starting to get nervous about the odds of White Knight Chronicles 2 making the leap. Am I being overly pessimistic here?
White Knight Chronicles Set for PSP [andriasang]
Published: Jun 30, 2010 06:00 am