Porn, porn always changes
There is plenty of debate about which virtual reality headset will “win the war” and be the last one standing, but porn has already decided. Where porn goes so does technology, as can be seen in VHS vs. Betamax and Blu-ray vs. HD DVD battles where it is pointed to as one of the deciding factors. Porn is already thriving on the Oculus Rift.
In the above Vice documentary, you’ll see the many ways the Oculus Rift is already being used in the porn industry as well as the sex industry in general. From virtual sex where users can literally feel each other, to cam shows that make you feel like you’re there, our sexual future is already here. The doc doesn’t deal directly with video games, but it certainly gives us a glimpse into the technology we can expect to experience in the coming months.
While porn has helped decide what technology comes out on top — pun intended — I’m not certain it will be the case for VR headsets. VR is viewed by some as just a new way to play games, but each headset is shaping up to be its own platform with exclusives games, much like today’s consoles. Porn or not, 2016 is looking like the year virtual reality makes it or breaks it.
Speaking of which, did you know Sega had planned its own headset back in the ’90s? Check out the cringe-worthy unveiling of Sega VR below.
Published: Jun 25, 2015 09:00 pm