Final Fantasy VII FF7 Rebirth Sylkis Greens
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Where to find the feed for Piko in Corel Dustbowl


If you want to find Barret in Corel (or even leave Dustbowl), you need to find feed to strengthen Piko to race. This is where you find all six of the Sylkis Greens.

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Dustbowl is the part that proceeds after the first visit to the Gold Saucer in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. The party goes looking for Barret, but things don’t go well. In fact, they go humiliatingly not well. The only way to get out is to win a Chocobo race, but Piko had a rough time out in the desert and isn’t feeling well. It needs Sylkis Greens to get into racing condition.

Now, you only need three Sylkis Greens to proceed, but there are six available. The other three of them can be traded for Chocobo gear. For posterity, all three will be listed here, and you can decide if you want to go the extra mile.

Final Fantasy VII FF7 Rebirth Box Breaking
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Desert Rush

On the West side of Dustbowl, there’s a stall that hosts a mini-game called Desert Rush. This involves breaking boxes, but there’s a bit of a twist. There are big boxes with cogs and lightning bolts on them. To be able to break them, you must first destroy separate boxes that simply have a big lightning bolt. The number you have to break is shown around the cog as lit-up bolts. Note that you just need to have broken that many boxes. The charges aren’t expendable. Once you break four of the lightning boxes, you can destroy any box.

During this mini-game, you’ll want to make use of heavy attacks like Braver to get through the boxes quicker. You need to score 15,000 to get the Sylkis Greens, but there are prizes beyond that. 


If you walk North past the casino, your attention will be grabbed by some suspicious-looking people. If you follow them through the narrow alleys, you’ll reach a basketball court where they’ll confront you. Not to play basketball, unfortunately, you’ll actually have to beat them up. It doesn’t get much more straightforward than that. Take down the thugs and gain the Sylkis Greens.

Peculiar Card Players

You can pick this quest up by talking to the proprietor of the Queens Blood card shop, House of Cards. He’ll complain that some weird characters are driving away his customers at a nearby casino. To do this quest, you’ll need to be a high enough rank at the game. If you’re not, you’ll have to come back if you want to get all six Sylkis Greens.

The casino is just north of the card shop. There, you’ll need to defeat Pietro, Mary, and Dax. Then return to the card shop owner, and you’ll be given your prize.

Final Fantasy VII FF7 Rebirth Cloud talking to Bartender
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The Bartender’s Untended Garden

Directly by the job board, you’ll find a bar. If you visit and have a drink, the Bartender will tell you about a garden that has been abandoned. He says if you make the trip, you can take the Sylkis Greens there.

You begin the trip just North of there. A Catuar will grab the greens and make off with them. Give chase, and eventually, you’ll need to fight a group of the little guys. They can be hard to hit, but once you’ve taken them down, you’ll be rewarded with the Chocochow.

Swindling Seminar

This is a weird one. In the southeast alley of Dustbowl is a pretty hard to miss seminar going on that involves teaching people to lie effectively. It’s hosted by Conniving Caglio, who will challenge you to pick out the person telling the truth in a line-up of five liars. You talk to each one who will tell you a fact about Dustbowl. Four of these facts are false, and one is true.

You can explore Dustbowl to verify who is telling the truth, or I could just tell you. Knucklehead Toya, the one wearing a badge marked “2,” is telling the truth. There really are Elixers at the weapon shop in Dustbowl. After you pick her (by holding triangle), you’ll get your greens. If you haven’t already, you should definitely go to that weapons shop and pick up their elixirs. They’re a rare item.

Beast Battleground

Just south of the Swindling Seminar, there’s a, hm… drainage pipe (or something). If you descend into it, you’ll find an arena. Within the arena, there are three challenges called the “Sylkis Cup.” Beating all three of these rewards you with – you guessed it – Sylkis Greens.

Each of the cups consists of a single round where you fight against beasts. The first is two Ignilisks and a single Grasslands Wolf. All of them are weak against ice, which also pressures them. You can also pressure the Grasslands Wolf by evading their pin attempts, or blocking their Spin Swipe. Either way, they aren’t much of a big deal.

Next up is Bagnadrana. This, too, is weak against ice attacks. They are impervious to damage in the rear. To pressure them, wait until they start revving up a subdue attack and hit them with ice. Or just braver. The window to counter them isn’t particularly big. A bit heartier, but still no big deal.

Finally, we have an escaped Hojo monstrosity, Test 0. This creature is weak to fire. To pressure them, you need to put them through a bit of a fight. When their HP gets lowered (not a lot, maybe just a quarter of the way), they’ll play dead. While they’re lying dramatically on the ground, that’s your chance to hit them with fire or Braver. Inflict enough damage, and they’ll become pressured. Then, push them to staggered and lay it on.

Once you’ve completed the three battles, you’ll get your Sylkis Green.

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Image of Zoey Handley
Zoey Handley
Staff Writer
Staff Writer - Zoey is a gaming gadabout. She got her start blogging with the community in 2018 and hit the front page soon after. Normally found exploring indie experiments and retro libraries, she does her best to remain chronically uncool.