As you progress through Pacific Drive, you’ll eventually find your recipe options limited by the lack of Marsh Eggs. This resource is found a little differently than others, but I’ll tell you how to find plenty.
Marsh Eggs are found in the mid-zone, which you reach by breaching the expansion wall. A big clue is the fact that most of the mid-zone is marsh or “mire” areas. However, if you search around the old-fashioned way – that is to say, by plundering boxes and dismantling cars – you won’t find many. The odd marsh egg will show up, but not enough for crafting. Most recipes call for dozens.
Instead, Marsh Eggs are found deep in the swamps. You usually find them near big, conspicuous red orbs that can be spotted from some distance. Near these orbs are usually car wrecks, but these former vehicles don’t have panels you can scrap for resources. Instead, they have glowing, pink Marsh Eggs on them.

You don’t need any special tools to harvest Marsh Eggs. You can pick them off the wrecks without issue. However, if you use a vacuum they can be collected faster. Furthermore, a single cluster of egg nodes will provide you with dozens of them. The first one I came across provided me with more than 60.
Once you have them, you’ll be able to complete more recipes. The most useful is perhaps the blow torch, which functions similarly to repair putty. Unlike the putty, however, the blow torch repairs progressively. So once you have a part repaired to max, you can move on without wasting any. Marsh Eggs are also a bit more predictable to find than chemicals, but the mires tend to be more dangerous to reach.
Published: Feb 22, 2024 08:00 am