If you go to craft certain objects in Palia such as the Fabric Loom or Glass Furnace, you may notice you need Ceramics. And, in order to make Ceramics, you will need Clay. Despite being a pretty plentiful resource, there’s no indication where you should be searching for it. Thankfully, we know exactly where to find Clay in Palia so you can begin turning it into Ceramics.

The best spot to find Clay
Technically, Clay can be found in deposits anywhere near water. This includes near rivers, streams, and ponds. However, we’ve found what appears to be the best spot in Palia if you are specifically looking to gather Clay.
First, you want to make sure you are in the main area of Palia around Kilima Village. From here you want to go southeast to the Fisherman’s Lagoon. You have probably already been here before as it’s where you find the Fishing NPC Einar.
Once here, run around the outer rim of the lagoon and you should find plenty of Clay deposits. They are brownish nodes that look similar to copper. You can harvest the clay using your Pick. Typically you will get between 6-8 units of Clay for each of these deposits. In my experience, as you run around the outside of the lagoon, the deposits usually spawn by the time you get around the entire lagoon. Now you know where to find Clay in Palia!

How to turn Clay into Ceramics in Palia
You can turn Clay into Ceramics at any Smelter. The first Smelter you can obtain is the Basic Smelter, which you can purchase the recipe for from Hodari once you’ve reached Level 2 Mining. The cost of the recipe is 100 gold, but once you purchase the recipe Hodari will actually send you a refund via mail.
In order to craft a Basic Smelter you need 40 Stone, 6 Flint, and 3 Sernuk Hide. These are all basic materials that you should have on hand or can easily obtain. Once you’ve built the Basic Smelter you can now purchase the recipe for Ceramic from Hodari for 50 gold.
With the knowledge to craft Ceramics, simply interact with your Basic Smelter and enter Clay into the top input slot. You will need two Clay for each Ceramic you are trying to craft. Furthermore, it will take four minutes for each Ceramic to finish being crafted.
Published: Aug 3, 2023 04:41 pm