Polaroids in Chapter 5 of Life is Strange: Double Exposure
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Where to find all Polaroids in Chapter 5 of Life is Strange: Double Exposure

Chaos can be distracting

Once you’ve reached Chapter 5 in Life is Strange: Double Exposure, it’s safe to say that things are getting more bizarre. However, there are still collectibles in the many scenes of the final chapter. 

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If you missed any of the three Polaroids in Chapter 5 of Double Exposure while going through the disjointed timeline and areas it features, that’s entirely understandable. Thankfully, while previous chapters are only separated into five scenes, chapter 5 is broken down into nine much shorter segments, making it much easier to narrow down the locations of the three Polaroids.

All Polaroid locations in Chapter 5 of Life is Strange: Double Exposure

The three polaroids in Chapter 5 aren’t exactly hard to find as you progress through the story, but given the magnitude of the events taking place, it can be easy to get swept up in the drama and miss them entirely. Here’s how to find all three Polaroids and which scene you’ll need to visit to gather them up after the story is wrapped up. 

Polaroid #1 – Hoo?

Featuring an image familiar from the first chapter, this Polaroid of an owl can be found as soon as you wind up back at the observatory tower with “Moses” and his many telescopes.

There are a few things in this scene that will be familiar from the first, but you’ll need to remember where Safi was standing at the point in Chapter 1 where you tried to slip her the bottle cap. On this same railing, you’ll find the first Polaroid.

To get back here after completing the game, select “Under Observation” under “Decoherence” in Chapter Select. 

Polaroid #2 – Party w/ the new BFF!!!

A little bit later on in the story, Max will find herself in the room that signifies the root of all of her trauma — the Blackwell Academy bathroom where Chloe was shot in the original Life is Strange

As soon as you’ve gained control of Max, turn around and head into the corner where the fire alarm is. The second Polaroid can be found on the adjoining wall, close to the floor. 

This is the Polaroid that you’re most likely to miss if you’re surging ahead with the story, so to get back here, select “Quit Stalling” under “Decoherence” in Chapter Select. 

Polaroid #3 – Tell me about your telescope

This Polaroid references something said by Vinh in Chapter 3, and you’ll need to do some timeline hopping to find it. 

Once you gain control of Max in the Snapping Turtle, before or after talking to Amanda, use the portal near the bathrooms to hop over to the other timeline. You’ll know you’re in the right timeline when you find the Snapping Turtle entirely empty and mostly dark. 

When you’re there, head into the main space of the bar and look at the stage. The third and final Polaroid can be found on the long table jutting outwards from the stage, on the end that’s furthest away from the mural, cow skull, and microphone. 

To find this Polaroid after the fact, head to Chapter Select and then click “Decoherence”, then enter into the scene called “Razing the Bar”.

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Image of Paula Vaynshteyn
Paula Vaynshteyn
With her first experience of gaming being on an Atari ST, Paula has been gaming for her entire life. She’s 9,000 hours deep into Final Fantasy XIV, spends more time on cozy games than she would care to admit, and is also a huge bookworm. Juggling online adventuring with family life has its struggles, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.