Fusing Weapons in Tears of the Kingdom is a key element of coming out on top in combat. While you can find normal weapons in Hyrule, a lot of them are deteriorated with Gloom. If you want to deal large amounts of damage, you need to fuse items together with powerful loot, like a Silver Lynel’s. While Diamond has one of the highest power fuses, the Silver Lynel saber gets just a bit ahead of the competition. These fearsome foes are tough customers. But thankfully, their rewards are worth the fight.
Note that Silver Lynel won’t spawn until you’ve progressed far enough. There’s an experience system in TotK where defeating enemies grants you EXP. It’s something of a hidden mechanic, but it’s there. After you pass certain thresholds, enemies will progress to their next rank at the next Blood Moon. This means you’ll need to keep fighting until you see normal and blue-maned Lynel progress to Silver.
Where to fight a Silver Lynel
There’s a couple of locations in the game where Silver Lynels will spawn in TotK. Some might be on the surface, some might be found in the Depths.
Hebra Plunge
The first Lynel Location is just to the right of Tama Pond, and under the right side of Hebra Plunge. Its coordinates are (-2375, 1863, 0339)

Nautelle Wetlands
The next Silver Lynel available on the surface can be found hidden in the Nautelle Wetlands. It’s near the bottom of the map, and it’s coordinates are (-0598, -3793, 0051).

Rabia Plain
The next Silver Lynel is located in the Rabia Plain, found in the middle of a field at coordinates (2558, -0523, 0115)

Where to find Silver Lynels in the Depths in TotK
Moving onto the ones found in the depths,:
Beneath Hyrule Castle
You can find a Silver Lynel at coordinates (-240, 0823, -1075). You’ll have to dive below Hyrule castle, and then head toward the gloom-covered Like-Likes. While you could fight them, it’s easier to avoid them. While falling past the Like-Likes, make your way to the right section of the map. You’ll get into a fight with some Horroblins, but you can bypass them as well. Climb up to the next room, and you’ll be greeted with some Electric Keese on the way down. There’s no way around fighting them. Once they’re defeated, you’ll see the Silver Lynel standing in the middle of the room.

Floating Coliseum
The second Silver Lynel can be found in the Floating Coliseum. It’s just Northwest of the Kigoir Lightroot, and It’s Northeast of the Great Abandoned Central Mine. The coordinates are (-1166, -1265, -0449). Once you make it to the Floating Coliseum, you’ll have to fight a Red, Blue, and White Lynel first before being able to take on the Silver Lynel. After defeating the first Silver Lynel, a second one will appear, and you’ll have to take it on as well.

Uhicoke Lightroot
The third Silver Lynel in the Depths just south of the Uhicoke Lightroot in the Minishi Grove. Its coordinates are (1025, 1167, -0475)

Kimakarut Lightroot
The fourth Silver Lynel can be found just left of the Kimakarut Lightroot northwest of the Abandoned Gerudo Mine. Its coordinates are (-2722, -2237, -0468)

Muihcoro Lightroot
The fifth Silver Lynel can be found just south of the Muihcoro Lightroot west of the chasm by the Thyphlo Ruins Skyview Tower. It’s coordinates are (-1631, 2530, -0682)

Korakut Lightroot
The sixth Silver Lynel can be found just to the right of the Korakut Lightroot, the lightroot is northwest of the East Hill Chasm, but you’ll have to work around the water since the Lanaryu wetlands are replaced with walls in the Depths. Its coordinates are (1013, -0243, -0473)

Wellspring of Power
The seventh Silver Lynel can be found just southeast of the Ui-ichoj Lightroot. It’s east of the Wellspring of Power. Its coordinates are (4219, 2774, -0576)

Beneath Lake Floria
The final Silver Lynel can be found northeast of the U-u-ujoj Lightroot. The lightroot is under the left side of Lake Floria on the overworld. The coordinates for this Lynel are (1591, -3569, -0513)

How to beat Silver Lynels in Tears of the Kingdom
If you’re up to the task of defeating a Silver Lynel, you’re going to have to prepare for it. Silver Lynels are one of the hardest enemies in the game. However, with the right materials, they’re also one of the most straightforward. I recommend, if you’re aiming to fight these enemies in the depths, to stock up on some Gloom recovery health items, as one hit will lock off plenty of hearts. High defense is also key, so upgrade your armor if you haven’t done that already. You’ll also need a powerful weapon. Royal weapons do extra damage as they’re about to break, and fusing the right items can make them deadly.
Any meals that give Link extra hearts should also be eaten, as they’re key to survival. When fighting a Lynel, use bows to stun them by shooting them in the eyes. It’s a tricky shot, but if you can knock them down, or have Tulin do it for you, you can mount the Lynel. While mounting, using your most powerful weapon, you can get some easy damage in. Furthermore, if you have a weapon that’s low on durability, mounting a Lynel will not use that durability, so using the “Desperate Strength” weapons are key to maximizing your damage.
What do Silver Lynels drop in TotK?
In Tears of the Kingdom, Silver Lynel drop the following:
- Lynel Hoof
- Lynel Guts
- Arrows (10x)
- Silver Lynel Saber Horn
- Silver Lynel Mace Horn
While every item dropped by a Silver Lynel is useful, it’s the Saber Horn and Mace Horn that are good for weapon fusion. Fused with a weapon, arrow, or shield, the Saber Horn increases its attack power by 55. Meanwhile, the Mace Horn will increase attack power by 51 but adds a smashing effect.
As for the Lynel Guts and Lynel Hoof; those are the same as you get from any Lynel. The Guts can be used in an elixir or to upgrade the Soldier’s Armor and Radiant Armor sets. The hooves can also be used to upgrade the Soldier’s Armor set, or they can be used in fusion to make hammer-like weapons.
Published: Apr 29, 2024 08:50 am