Plus money off Trials Gold pre-orders
If leaping through the air whilst shooting guns and sporting bad Hawaiian shirts and whiskey breath is your thing, then you owe it to yourself to pick up Max Payne 3 on Steam this weekend. Rockstar’s latest title is reduced by 66% along with its DLC. Steam’s other offer is the massively popular (in the UK) Football Manager 2013 which is half price, but really, you’d be better off purchasing it at Green Man Gaming who has cut the price by 62%.
Also on offer at GreenManGaming is the perennial co-op favourite Killing Floor which is the main weekend promo, reduced by 75%. Another cool deal is 15% off a pre-order of Trials Evolution Gold using GMG’s newest coupon code for another 20% off the price. has an Enormous ENU adventure game pack which is just $9.99 for 11 games, which would normally be over $80.
The many games of Sonic The Hedgehog are featured in GamersGate’s big weekend sale; there’s between 50 and 75% off titles like recent All Stars Racing Transformed. is the ones that can help your cravings for strategy titles in its weekend promo, knocking classic titles like Stonghold HD and Zeus + Poseiden down to half price. As always, if you find a good weekend PC deal, let us all know in the comments.
Published: Mar 8, 2013 07:00 pm