Not a lake, but an ocean of words
Earlier this week, I published a piece about Remedy Entertainment creative director Sam Lake’s presentation at Digital Dragons in Krakow, Poland. In it, I posit that Remedy’s next game, currently codenamed P7, will share values with other Remedy titles because that’s how the studio works. It’d be crazy to change now.
My article was the abridged version, though. Of the transcript I had, I only ended up using a small fraction of Lake’s words. Just the ones that I thought best got to the core of the message here.
But, in that post, I promised I’d post the full video once it was uploaded. So, for anyone who wants to see the whole thing, here it is. It’s long, but it’s also great insight as to the shared structure of some fantastic games. For anyone who just wants to cut to the chase: The “striptease” starts at 13:40.
Published: Jun 2, 2017 04:00 pm