Starting today, Electronic Arts and Mythic are offering a 10-day trial for their PC MMO, Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. You can download the client, sign forms, and begin ruining your social life through this link here.
As with most MMO trials, you’ll have free reign in WAR’s universe. That includes the Bitter Rivals event (culminates in the opportunity to play the two new classes before full release) and the endless joys of experience points grinding.
Minor observation: 10-days is the standard trial period for MMOs. I’ve never thought it was enough time to adequately gauge or even experience what the game has to offer. To me, it seems like a 10-day window will only grab the casual interest, a person who won’t bloom into a devotee. Do you guys think trial periods should be longer? Or, at least within that timeframe, should publishers provide you with a character that can do higher-level stuff?
Published: Mar 5, 2009 04:20 pm