The Incarnon system in Warframe has spruced up a handful of weapons in the game, making them endgame viable and beyond. Though some are more powerful than others, it now begs the question, which are the best?
Here’s a tier list of every Incarnon weapon in Warframe.
Warframe Incarnon weapon tier list
This list will quickly break down what’s good or bad about the weapons and why they are there. Also, since some weapons have variants, it’ll just be a general power placement. Primes, Prisma, Wraith, Vandal, and other variants of weapons are also taken into consideration as some can be used as Incarnons.
In all honesty, the weapons listed here are probably going to be nerfed at some point.
Dual Ichor – Easy combo buildup ramps up its damage very fast. Paired with devastating gas clouds, this can clear rooms in an instant. Living up to the SS-Tier archetype, this weapon has already been nerfed. It still shreds, especially paired with the already nerfed Melee Influence Arcane.
Okina – The stat increases bring this weapon all the way up to the top. Paired with the flying spectral daggers that can proc all other elements on your Okina, this is a Condition Overload weapon that may even put the Dual Ichor to shame. Dual Daggers aren’t particularly good, but these are the cream of the cop.
Torid – To put it simply, land three direct hits, transform this weapon, and easily melt waves of enemies. This has the power of four Amprexes combined.

The weapons on this tier almost have no flaws and can dish out amazing damage with the right build. Some of these feel unfair and are top picks in the Warframe meta.
Boar – A slight downgrade from the Torid; the Boar also becomes a devastating chain beam weapon that puts other weapons from this category to shame.Â
Ceramic Dagger – Huge stat bonuses and gets projectiles similar to Exodia Contagion, but on heavy attack. It’s also a solid stat stick for weapon synergies. Think of it like the younger cousin of the Innodem.
Felarx – If you focus on a raw-damage, non-crit build, this can provide some of the highest single-target damage in the game. It’s a fantastic bossing weapon. It’s especially good against the Archon bosses after completing The New War.
Innodem – This weapon gets an actual built-in Exodia Contagion that does Radiation damage. Despite daggers being one of the weaker melee types, the Innodem provides great range and a variety of buffs to put more work in than other melees. It also has a bunch of utility paired with combo accumulation and Arcane buffs.
Lex – When transformed, this weapon shoots walls of death akin to the pre-nerf days of the Arca Plasmor, Fulmin, and Catchmoon.
Latron – This weapon gets huge stat buffs along with bouncing projectiles that deal unfair amounts of damage. If you’re a fan of semi-auto weapons and can land consistent headshots, the payout is worth it.
Phenmor – If you like the gameplay of the Soma, this is like a direct upgrade.
Praedos – Tonfas are extremely strong in the meta right now. With just more stat boosts, especially to attack speed and range, this rivals the damage output of the Kronen Prime.
Sicarus – This burst pistol becomes a lot like a Jakobs weapon from the Borderlands games. You don’t have to hit headshots to get the bullets to ricochet, which is a huge plus for those with bad aim. Build it up for crit and some status; it’ll tear through mobs even after its nerfs.
Strun – Another top contender for high single-target damage. This also has good AoE for mobbing.

The weapons here are strong, with some exceptions. Still, they are quite good and can be taken to almost any instance of the game.
Angstrum – Turn your explosive launcher into a hard-hitting assault rifle. Very high DPS but suffers from spread and recoil issues.
Atomos – Turns into a grenade launcher with high damage output. The only real problem is just getting the weapon to transform.
Braton – Your weapon now gets explosive bullets with Heat damage applied. It’s solid overall.
Boltor – This becomes a shotgun with built-in multishot and Slash damage. It excels in hallways and in situations where enemies are clumped together.
Burston – Basically a sidegrade to the Braton.Â
Cestra – One of the weakest weapons in the game turns into a powerhouse of a weapon in its Incarnon form. Slapping more crit multipliers kind of fixes one of its biggest drawbacks.
Dread – Gets a huge stat boost and bonus Fire damage, but loses its silence. It’s good to use in narrow pathways to kill multiple enemies in one shot.
Furis – This turns into a devastating flamethrower when transmuted, fixing its ammo economy problem.
Laetum – This is basically the pistol version of the Braton and Burston Incarnons, but with Radiation.
Lato – The DPS increase, along with ricochet, actually feels a lot better than other Incarnon weapons with the same mechanics.
Miter – Similar to the Latron, the Miter gets homing explosives, dealing devastating Heat damage.
Paris – This is just an alternate version of the Dread Incarnon.Â
Soma – This weapon turns into a shotgun when transmuted. It’s nothing to write home about, but the stat boosts alone make it powerful.

There are lots of strong picks in this section, but this is where weapons start to become niche or have a big flaw.
Ack & Brunt – You can throw explosive projectiles when transmuted but at the cost of mobility. It’s decent and fun, but the real winner is pausing your combo timer when holstered.
Anku – Guaranteed Slash procs after slide attacks is a bit niche, but the preserved combo when holstering is a win.
Dera – Both the normal and Vandal variants are mediocre, but the Incarnon version kicks it up a notch. The stats are pretty decent, but what makes this a very effective weapon are the last Evolution, High Ground, and the additional Magnetic damage added.
Despair – This weapon deals explosive Fire damage while transmuted. It’s decent but suffers from quick ammo consumption.
Dual Toxocyst – The bullet ricochet ability is cool and all, but there’s such a focus on getting headshots with this weapon that you can easily feel missed headshots.
Gammacor – The stat buffs you get on your weapon are cool but feel inferior to the Atomos Incarnon.
Gorgon – This is a weaker version of the Braton and Burston Incarnons.
Hate – It’s a cool concept to get projectiles for a melee weapon’s base combos, but the Hate is more of a heavy attack weapon.
Kunai – The stat buffs and headshot tracking are nice, but it falls off a bit in terms of overall DPS.
Onos – The Onos is a cool arm cannon. There are just too many things needed to get this going. You basically need the projectile speed and faster Transmutation charge bonuses just to get it into its Incarnon form. Conceptually and stat-wise, it’s there.
Skana – The stat boost is nice, but this becomes more of a single-target weapon. It gets outclassed by many other non-Incarnon weapons out there.
Sybaris – An okay weapon with a pretty decent Incarnon form. The addition of guaranteed Blast damage is decent, but that’s all this Incarnon form is. There’s more of a fun factor if you’re okay with it eventually losing out in higher-leveled content.
Vasto – This weapon gets good stat buffs, but the Incarnon form’s 6-round burst is extremely underwhelming.
Zylok – The stat boost is good, but there’s too much setup to get this going.

Don’t write these off as being all bad. The weapons in our C-Tier can still put in work but require a lot to be decent.
Bo – The range buff is nice, but heavy attacks on this weapon don’t really spruce it up.
Bronco – This is a vastly inferior version of the Lato’s Incarnon.
Furax – On paper, this should be cool. It’s not, though. The fire puddles on Heavy Slams are underwhelming.
Magistar – The combo and wind-up speed don’t make up for much.
Nami Solo – A simple range buff doesn’t do this weapon much justice.Â
Ruvox – The impaling feature is cool on this weapon, but Slam Attacks aren’t all too great in the grand scheme of things. Fist weapons are already at a disadvantage since they don’t provide any cleaving or AoE potential like other melee weapons. Unless it’s the Furax Wraith, the Ruvox are just mastery fodder.
Sibear – Nothing more than a tiny stat buff.
Of course, as the meta changes and things are balanced, we can see some of the weapons on the bottom become the meta, and those at the top become mediocre. Only time will tell.
Published: Dec 12, 2024 02:50 pm