Straight to the point — I’m working on the DVD for the first season of Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin, and I’ve got a problem.
I’m working on the cover art. That’s not a problem. And I finally figured out how to use DVD Studio Pro with some degree of efficiency — that’s not it, either. No, the real issue is that I’ve got ninety minutes worth of episodes, three minutes of outtakes, a full feature commentary and some other random crap and no sexy-ass DVD menu art tying them together. I long to look at the DVD menus and see gorgeously drawn and/or Photoshopped images bordering my chapter select buttons, yet I have only the miserable greyness of the default menu templates staring back at me.
Which is where you come in, obviously. If you’ve ever done any HAWP fanart, or think you might want to start upon reading this article, you’ve got a chance of seeing your artwork gracing the television screens of anyone stupid enough to buy our DVD.
Hit the jump for further instructions.
Sometime in the next two weeks, you can send artwork for consideration by either emailing me directly (reverendanthonyatgmaildotcom), or by posting in this forum thread.
The image can be of pretty much whatever you want, presuming that it’s HAWP-related. Make weird Photoshops (use these photos if you want, or captures from the films), draw original art, whatever. Just make sure it’s 720×480, and leaves a significant amount of room on the right or left side for menu buttons.
We can’t really pay you if we like your art enough to put it in the DVD, unfortunately, but we can put your name in the DVD credits and send you a free copy once it’s actually done. That’s almost like being paid. Almost.
Anyway, two weeks from today Ash and I will look over the entries and pick a few of our favorites. Then you can brag to your friends, and that’ll be fun.
Any questions/concerns/whatever?
Published: Sep 14, 2009 02:20 pm