Venetica comes to the UK

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Back in the day I wrote for one of those ‘girl gaming’ websites (yes, I know) and one game announcement that really caught my attention was Venetica by German developers Deck13. The game all but fell off the radar for me until I got invited to their booth at Gamescon, only to find all their consoles had died and I couldn’t see it. The game is already out in mainland Europe but until being picked up by independent publisher Mastertronic  who claim “Venetica is a European breath of fresh air in a genre dominated by the Americans and Japanese,” no UK release date had been given for this game. 

Venetica is a fantasy RPG that follows the story of Scarlet, the daughter of death and is set in 16th century Venice. Venetica gives you the posses the ability to jump between the worlds of the living and the dead in order to defeat enemies. The game will be launched on November 12th for Xbox 360 and PC with the PS3 Version following a week later. 

[image via]

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