Also weapon tweaks
Capcom has been steadily updating us with free and premium content that’s going to hit Monster Hunter: World, and given that it’s the most successful game in the series, we’re probably going to be seeing a whole lot more of it.
Announced today during their spring live stream, a new update is coming on March 22: one that will introduce the monster Deviljho into the mix, and most notably, reduce loading screens. Pesky research level degradation will also be lowered, and there’s going to be a few other minor tweaks involving menus, mostly multiplayer. Oh, and that Mega Man Palico crossover will be live from April 13 to April 27 as part of the Spring Blossom Fest.
It’s all steps in the right direction, and updates that include both quality of life adjustments and content are my cup of tea.
Monster Hunter: World first free major title update [Capcom Unity]
Published: Mar 14, 2018 12:00 pm