[Update: Shows over, folks! Looks like this was more than Capcom wanted you to see. ]
Here it is, the first footage of Evil Ryu and the character that fans (such as myself) were calling “Oni Akuma” in Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition. Well consider the Oni Akuma name dead, as according to these screens and videos, this new purple demon is named “Oni”. The new name fits, as he appears to be more fearsome and devastating than Akuma ever was (Shin or otherwise).
It could be that Oni is Akuma by a new name, or a new character entirely. I’d ask Capcom about it, but the last time I did, they gave me more questions than answers. For now, I’ll just revel in the fact that it’s looking like Oni could be the biggest badass in Street Fighter history.
I mean, the dude has WHITE FLAMING HAIR! He’s like Pai Mei crossed with Ghost Rider. It doesn’t get much more badass than that. See for yourself in the boatload of videos and screens below.
Video and Images of Evil Ryu and Oni Akuma in Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition [Shoryuken]
Published: Jan 22, 2011 10:00 pm