Well, not this dude, in the picture. That’s Gregory Weir, creator of Babies Dream of Dead Worlds and I Fell In Love With the Majesty of Colors. He’ll be in the documentary, as will Amon26 and Auntie Pixelante.
Basically: this guy — spinach, he’s called — wants to drive around the United States and interview designers of “expressive videogames” for a documentary entitled, You Meet The Nicest People Making Videogames.
“I don’t know why,” spinach says on the Kickstarter page, “but right now just strikes me as the right time for this kind of project.”
spinach not only promises to freely release the documentary online once he’s done, but he also plans on donating all the equipment he’ll buy to his local community college. You silly indie kids and your charity. Why don’t you just go hug a cloud, or something?
Anyway, you can donate money to the documentary at its Kickstarter page. At the time of writing, spinach has raised $6,381 of his $22k goal.
Published: Mar 29, 2010 03:00 pm