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My experience with jumping into Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix as a noobie, then moving onward to Street Fighter IV, and finally back to SSFIITHDR has been a relatively painless way to get the hang of things.
Since Samit and myself can’t be the only ones still playing the XBLA/PSN title, today’s update on the pending patch should make quite a few of you happy, or possibly frustrated depending on what you hope the update will accomplish.
Producer Rey Jimenez has detailed what the patch will entail on his blog. And no, Akuma isn’t going to be nerfed (at least not yet). Hey, it could be a lot worse — at least SSFIITHDR isn’t 99.5%
[Via 1UP]
- After a number of games, the HUD will be corrupt. Yellow lifebars will freeze, the round counter flags will all be on, and the names will show more than one name. (Both)
- Frequent disconnects during VS transition screen. Often caused by selecting START color of character. (Both)
- Title crashes if user has a large friends list and tries to access the friends list (PS3)
- Rating being set to “0” and from then on, rating remains at “0”. Once that patch goes live, we’ll reset all leaderboards/scoreboards. (Both)
- Vega sometimes causing desyncing, especially when using the fake wall dive. (Both).
- Lobby list containing full rooms instead of only rooms that users can enter. (Both).
- Zangief Super Motion not working on both sides and in both directions.
- During the start of the match, there is slight slowdown. This has been minimized as much as possible. (PS3).
- If connecting to a ranked match through the quick match function, it is best out of 3 rather than best out of 5. (Both)
- Sending messages via XMB during a game causes a freeze. (PS3)
- Players not added to “Players Met” list. (PS3)
- Analog and D-pad can accept input at the same time. (Both)
- Player stats not reporting correctly.
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Published: Mar 5, 2009 07:40 pm