The Weekend Hotness: 3DS

This article is over 13 years old and may contain outdated information

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The ever awesome Dale North got himself the 3DS in Japan and has been bringing us a butt-load of coverage. Butt-loads, people! BUTT-LOADS!

Other than that, things we’re a bit quiet this weekend. Are you ready for PAX East 2011 yet?!

Destructoid Originals:
Screw home consoles, time to go 100% portable
New Destructoid Show: Skyrim, Sexy Parties, and NEStalgia
Our Nintendo 3DS unboxing
3DS in Japan: Most uneventful system launch ever
3DS: Nintendogs + Cats has the cutest box ever made
3DS: Shoot yourself in the face with this AR game
3DS and DS regions: OK USA!
Live Show: Saturday Morning Hangover be banging
See the 3DS Augmented Reality cards in action
3DS: Automatic Mii Maker has different plans for my face
3DS Nintendogs + Cats: F*ck Yeah Corgi
3DS: Make your Mii walk around on your desk
Pay tribute to the Theron Guard on Theron Thunday!
3DS: My Nintendogs corgi’s Kirby hat, or in Link hair

Community blogs of 02/26 & 02/27
Forum thread of the day:  PAX East 2011

Contest: Win a 3-day pass to PAX East 2011!
We’re giving away 10 Killzone 3 Limited Helghast editions

Review: Knights Contract

This is your PAX East 2011 show floor
Skip the line to play Duke Nukem Forever at PAX East

$10 Amazon credit for Pokemon Black/White pre-orders
This Sword & Sworcery EP trailer is so well done
Sexy Nintendo 3DS gallery shows you the ins and outs
Free MicroConsole with Homefront OnLive pre-order
Sony sues PS3 hacker for 1,000,000 euros, hacker defiant
3DS already hacked for R4 use
Ubisoft’s sex game for kids ‘absolutely’ not coming to US
Obsidian explains Dungeon Siege III co-op shenanigans
Duke Nukem action figure coming and it looks not-right
Confirmed: Japan sold out, 400,000 3DS sold in a day
Bit.Trip concept artwork reveals very different games
Daily Mail jumps on Ubisoft’s We Dare sex chicanery
Bit.Trip RUNNER hits Steam tomorrow with new features
La-Mulana resubmitted to Nintendo, live stream tonight
Miyamoto wants Mii avatars to take over the world
Hey Ash, Watcha Playin was on TV!
Dungeon Siege III to feature deep lore, impactful choices
Group boycotts 3DS because it fuels human rights abuses
Japan: Larger retailers get sudden second shipment of 3DS

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