Pokémon has launched some fantastic promotional events, but one of the most popular is their McDonald’s Happy Meal Pokémon Trading Card promotions. For over a decade, McDonald’s has released exclusive sets of Pokémon trading cards, and they’re renewing the tradition with a new set of Dragon-themed cards.
Pokémon fans get excited whenever McDonalds rolls out a new set of cards, and they have a good reason to. Not only do McDonald’s cards feature unique art, but they’re never reprinted after the promotion ends. Once they’re gone, they’re gone.
Thanks to this, McDonald’s exclusive Pokémon cards inevitably become some of the rarest cards in their owner’s decks and some of the most expensive in the collecting circuit. Here are the most valuable McDonald’s Pokémon promo cards of all time, ranked by price.
Top 10 most valuable McDonald’s Pokémon promo cards of all time
2002 Japanese McDonald’s Holo e-Card Sneasel

Sneasel is a fantastic representative of the Dark type. It’s a mischievous egg thief who loves to play with its food, and that personality shines through in its 2002 McDonald’s card.
Sneasel’s McDonald’s card costs around $399.99. A few other McDonald’s cards cost the same, but I thought Sneasel was the coolest in this category, vague as it may be.
2002 Japanese McDonald’s Holo e-Card Slowpoke

I like Slowpoke, and I think most people do, too. This Water/Psychic-type is so chill they don’t even mind it if you cut their tails off, and both its evolutions, the bulky Slowbro and the more offensive Slowking, are solid editions to most teams. The 2002 e-card’s art puts Slowpoke’s innate charm on a pedestal, wrapping the Dopey Pokémon in a halo of radiant light.
The most expensive 2002 holographic e-card slowpoke I found is being sold for $400.00, but I saw others priced between $100 and $200.
2023 McDonald’s Silver Border Holo Pichu

Pichu is adorable, and it’s easily my favorite baby Pokémon. While it’s often over-shadowed by its evolution, Pichu ranks pretty high on most “cutest Pokémon lists,” and its 2002 McDonald’s card hammers that home with some sweet artwork.
This card costs $500.00. Not bad for such a little guy, is it?
2002 Japanese McDonald’s Holo e-Card Donphan

Thanks to its appearance in Pokémon: The First Movie, Donphan was many Pokemon fans’ introduction to Johto, and it remains one of my personal favorite Gen 2 Pokemon. The artwork on the 2002 holographic e-card, which shows Donphan sitting in confusion after he smashed through a wall, sums up the Armor Pokémon’s personality pretty well.
Donphan’s 2002 holographic e-card is currently selling for $549.99. At halfway to $1000, this card is more valuable than many ivory products, which is good because why would you want to buy stuff like that, anyway?
2002 Japanese McDonald’s Holo e-Card Squirtle

Squirtle was many Pokémon fans’ first-ever Starter Pokemon, and its fully-evolved form, Blastoise, remains one of the best pure Water types in the series. The 2002 holographic e-card shows Squirtle sitting back and blowing a bubble, which aligns well with the personality of Ash’s Squirtle in the anime.
2002 holographic e-card Squirtles vary in price pretty wildly, even by Pokémon trading card standards. EBay’s most expensive card variant sells for $830.00. People love their holographic turtles.
2002 Japanese McDonald’s Holo e-Card Charmander

Charmander is one of those Pokémon everyone knows. Its final evolution, Charizard, is the most popular Pokemon ever, and it is many players’ starter of choice in Pokémon Red and Blue. With a snazzy flaming background, McDonald’s 2002 Charmander card is one of the best.
The cost of this card fluctuates widely, but in mint condition, it’s selling for $1000.00. It’s not as expensive as some original holographic Charizards, but that’s still an impressive price tag.
2002 Japanese McDonald’s Holo Umbreon

Umbreon has always gotten it good in the trading cards department. The artwork on its cards is always stylish and expressive, and the 2002 McDonald’s card is no exception. The sight of Umbreon sunning itself on the roof of a seaside city is as charming as it is imposing.
I found many 2002 McDonald’s Umbreons on the Internet, and they had many different price tags attached to them. The highest, listed above, was a mint-condition card priced at $1,238.60. When you shoot for the moon, bring a thick wallet.
2002 Japanese McDonald’s Holo e-Card Pikachu

Even people who aren’t Pokémon fans know about Pikachu, and its trading cards are always one of the most appealing. The 2021 McDonald’s card is an excellent example of this. Look at that smug little mug! He knows how cute he is!
At $1,250.00, the 2021 Pikachu Mcdonald’s card is one of the most expensive pieces of Pikachu merchandise I’ve ever seen. Electric mouses aren’t cheap.
2013 French McDonald’s Holo Umbreon

McDonald’s brought some awesome Pokémon cards to France in 2013, but none were as impressive as the Umbreon card. Umbreon and the night sky have always gone together like peanut butter and chocolate, and this card is the perfect union of Pokémon and backdrop.
French Pokemon cards are a rarity, and this one’s got the price to prove it. At one cent short of $2,000, only one other card beats this one in value.
2005 Japanese McDonald’s Holo e-Card Mew

Mew is one of the most beloved Legendary Pokémon. Its cute design, status as the genetic ancestor of all Pokemon, and the gestalt of rumors that there’s a legitimate way to catch it in the original Pokemon Red and Blue have helped the New Species Pokémon reach cult status among Pokemon fans. Mew’s 2002 holographic e-card artwork represents its mysterious aura perfectly.
The most expensive mint 2005 holographic Mew e-card I found cost $2,000. If your budget can handle it, this card’s a great collectible for any Mew enthusiast.
Published: Jan 19, 2025 09:49 am