Jim loves awful games, people still care about the N-Gage, Mega Man 9 is doing DLC wrong, Conrad talks about the perfection that is Mega Man 2, Splinter Cell: Conviction is still in the works, and plenty more happened on Monday.
Monday Regulars:
Wii Shop releases for the week of 9/22: Mega Man 9, Platttchen, and more
New releases for the week of 09/22/08
Podtoid tonight, in smell-o-vision
Scraps: All work and no play (9/22/2008)
Monday Mind Teasers 09/22/08
Nokori: Nintendo’s lineup continues to make me cry
How Mega Man 2 defined a series
Awfully awesome: Games so bad, they’re good
Captain Obvious: Mario is Japan’s most popular videogame character
Majora’s Mask manga heading to the States
Publishers ‘scared’ to go DRM-free, says online game distributor
Publisher to give 10,000 copies of Chrome: Specforce to soldiers
Grasshopper Manufacture’s first game coming to PSN
GTA on Wii … it’s not natural, I tells ya! Also, Houser talks DS
Sonic’s daddy and company tease new Sega game
Fortune’s Tower glitch fixed … why the repercussion?
Peter Moore and Microsoft = BFF
Alien Crush Returns DLC is free?
Captian Obvious: Xbox Japan boss says they need more RPGs
GameStop VPs talk hardware trends, have only good things to say about everyone
Unholy unity: Bejeweled added to World of Warcraft
Is Warhammer Online afraid of WoW? Lead designer says no
Online co-op level creation not happening for LBP at launch
Rock Band finally comes to Australia
Heavy Rain dev doesn’t want you to have a do-over
Want to play Resident Evil Degeneration? You can … on the N- Gage!
Web site Arcade Fly helps you find an arcade and games near you
Sony and Toshiba teaming up to make smaller processors for the PS3
French kid torches car, blames GTA, UK tabloid pops a boner
Hollywood revelation: ‘most games aren’t movies,’ also The Sims story details
Lost Secrets Bermuda Triangle is a self-proclaimed ‘Hidden Object casual game’
Splinter Cell: Conviction is still alive, supposedly looking better than ever
Windows 7 will automatically find updates for your games
Producer says F.E.A.R. 2 AI is ‘second to none’
Ensemble employees were ‘shocked’ about closure news, failed to be awed
Chrono Trigger DS to have monster battling online mode
Mega Man 9 DLC dated, priced and detailed?
Another Sonic retro compilation headed to PS3/Xbox 360?
Epic Zelda collection goes for over $2,000 on eBay
Sony’s insane marketing department strikes again: Absurd PS3 ad targets women
Fresh screens for The Last Remnant: Ugly fish men want to snog you
Dynasty Warriors Multi Raid screenshots: Super Saiyan references are GO!
Facial hair triumphs: New Rise of the Argonauts screens
Rhythm Tengoku Gold papercraft has me doing the frog dance
Valkyrie Profile: The Accused One gets a new Japanese trailer
Awkward: Zelda theme plays at Malaysia PS3 launch
A profusion of pre-order promotions for Quantum of Solace
C Blogs of 09/22/08
Published: Sep 23, 2008 01:27 am