The Daily Hotness: The Cartel

This article is over 14 years old and may contain outdated information

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There’s a new Call of Juarez game coming and it’s set in a modern setting. Well alright then!

Samit believes the PSP2 will fail, there’s now a little Plush you can buy based on Mr. Destructoid, win a PSP, BlizzCon 2011 gets dated, I Am Live is probably not even a real game and more happened on 2/7/11.

Destructoid Originals:
Why Sony’s PSP2 (NGP) will fail
New releases: Mario Sports Mix, Test Drive and more
The Destructoid Show is weirder than usual tonight

Plushtoid has arrived!

Win a PSP, Tactics Ogre: LUCT and Final Fantasy: WotL!

Preview: Section 8: Prejudice

Prepare your Zerg cosplay, BlizzCon 2011 dated
Warriors: Legends of Troy brings the blood and conquest
Hee-ho! Atlus’ Jack Frost turned collectible figure
UK Charts: Dead Space 2 keeps on ticking
Yakuza 4 special edition for UK, not us
Rumor: Future PS3 titles to have serial codes
Gaijin: Indie scene needs less unfinished games
Anarchy Reigns introduces us to Jack
Microsoft has ‘mind blowing’ 360 TV programming plans
Namco: 3DS one of the most important launches in history
Modern day Call of Jaurez: The Cartel announced
EA Sports drops first Madden NFL 12 details
Schafer: Self-censorship stops games being funny
Ubisoft looking to give away next Assassin’s Creed DLC
Jade Raymond ‘joking’ about I Am Alive going digital
Marvel Fight pad coming in time for Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Killzone 3 has seven ‘f*ck you’s and one ‘motherf*cker’
Rift holding ‘Telara the Merciless’ beta event next week
Free App of the Day: MovieCat!
Get $20 off Dead Space 2 on Amazon today
Aliens vs. Predator engine fully playable on NGP/PSP2
MLB 11 ‘Yankee Killer’ trailer has revisionist history
Battlefield 3 details are sounding good so far
Nintendo DLC: Puzzle games galore
Heads up: Those Xbox LIVE deals on shooters are now live
What the hell? Blizzard theme park ‘Joyland’ for China?
Mortal Kombat films on Blu-ray come with MK PS3 costume
Sony is out to get anyone that posts the PS3 hack
Crisis Averted? Yakuza 4 UK special edition vs US version

So good: Back to the Future in LittleBigPlanet 2

Gears of War 3 gives Anya some action in new screens
The new Catherine trailer is red afro-tastic
PSP SRPG Spectral Souls gets an Android port
Chimera are gross: Resistance 3 screenshots
Neat-sounding Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Shadow mode detailed
Knights Contract concept art will make you hot

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